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hermione walked into her dorm, carrying a stack of books.

"hey, mione." a voice said.

hermione jumped and dropped her books. "theo! what the hell!"

theo laughed, and bent down, helping hermione pick up the books she dropped. "sorry, i just needed to talk to you."

hermione took the books from theo and started to shelf them on her mini bookshelf next to her bed. "what is it?"

"you know how daphne posted neville and astoria kissing?"

hermione nodded. "yeah, what about it?"

theo shrugged. "well...i kind of liked astoria."

hermione turned to face him. "i figured." hermione sat down next to theo. "but i'm sorry. that must hurt."

theo shrugged again, swallowing tears. "i have nothing against neville, and i know astoria liked him, but i just thought..."

hermione pulled her friend into a hug. "i know. it doesnt stop it from hurting."

"can i stay here tonight? i don't know if i can face the others."

hermione smiled. "of course! we can have a duo night!"

"can we watch 'riverdale'?" theo asked.

hermione groaned. "what is with you and that show?"

"everyone is so hot! besides, i'm heartbroken, remember?" theo pouted.

hermione hit him with a pillow. "i hate you."

"love you too."

hermione flipped open her laptop, and opened netflix. she settled into the pillow, and opened her arms.

theo ducked under, and snuggled into hermione. "hermione, if we aren't married by forty, we should get married. platonically, of course."

"i'm all for that." hermione said.

"yes!" theo said excitedly. hermione let out a laugh. "what's been going on between you and drakie?"

"nothing. we're friends."

"mione, i've seen that boy nearly snap his neck because he heard you laugh and wanted to see why you were laughing. friends, my heart broke arse."

hermione smiled. "hush, we're supposed to be talking about you, not me."

"nope. we're talking about you. mione, he likes you. please kiss him. then maybe we won't have to hear about you in the slytherin common room. he talks about you like we don't talk to you everyday."

hermione laughed. "okay, i'll talk to him later. now, hush. i want to watch this."

"fine," theo whined but shut up otherwise.

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