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theo wandered down the corridors, looking for his friend. he saw her look at her phone, tears in her eyes, and then leave the common room.

he found her sitting on the window seal, head buried in her hands, her hair creating a curtain, so no one could see her face.

"mione? are you okay?" theo asked, sitting on the other side.

she looked up, quickly wiping her tears. "what? yeah, i'm fine. why do you ask?"

theo raised an eyebrow. "mione, your eyes are puffy and red. and i know you're not high."

"you know what getting high means? that's a muggle thing."

"don't change the subject. mione, i saw you look at your phone and leave. what happened?"

hermione turned on her phone, and handed it to him. theo looked at the screen, and seen the picture.

"i know i broke up with ron, but it's only been a week, and it's still a fresh wound." hermione sighed.

"scoot." theo said.

hermione moved over slightly, and theo sat down to next her. he offered her his shoulder, and she buried her face into it, letting out a low sob.

"it'll get better, i promise. i know it might not seem like it, but it will." theo whispered into hermione's hair.

hermione responded by clutching theo's arm tighter.

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