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"good morning, students." professor mcgonagall greets, walking into the classroom. "congratulations on making it to your seventh year. this year determines everything. but it's also the year for having lasts, and making the most of them.

"so, for this semester, you guys are going to be paired in partners to do a project. you have to complete your own transfiguration, by creating your own spell with your partner."

"do we get to pick our partners?" seamus yelled.

"unfortunately, no, mr. finnigan. none of you would get any work done if i let you pick your own partners."

theo groaned. "just be glad most of us don't hate each other anymore."

hermione covered her mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

mcgonagall pulled her wand out from her robe sleeve, and started writing names on the board.

Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas
Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley
Ronald Weasley, Daphne Greengrass
Hermione Granger, Theodore Nott
Neville Longbottom, Astoria Greengrass
Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood
Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson
Lavender Brown, Michael Corner

"those are your partners for the semester. no switching, unless there is a genuine problem." mcgonagall said.

"how come seamus and dean are the only boy partners?" lavender asked.

"because i am the teacher and i make the partners, ms. brown."

lavender groaned and stalked over to michael corner.

"i feel bad for daph." theo said when hermione sat down next to him.

hermione looked over at daphne. she was banging her head against the table. "same. getting paired with my stupid ex boyfriend is not ideal."

"my partner isn't terrible. she's just..." draco looked over at luna, who was fiddling with her butterbeer charm necklace.

"loony?" theo finished.

"don't be rude. she's not...loony. she's just different. and hogwarts is supposed to accept differences." hermione said.

"you're right. despite her being...slightly loony, she is quite pretty." theo said with a smile.

"see, wasn't so hard." hermione said. "why don't we work as a group, but still work in our partners. we can get ideas from each other, it might help."

"good idea, mione. i'll bring luna over." draco got up, and walked over to the ravenclaw girl.


"hello, ginerva." blaise said, taking the seat next to ginny.

she turned toward him and gave him an exasperated smile. "hello, blaise louis zabini."

"how do you know my full name?" blaise asked with mock horror.

"how do you know my full name?" ginny rivaled, quirking an eyebrow.

"touché. hey, are you going to be at the game this weekend?"

"snakes versus badgers? of course. whoever wins is the team we play for the quidditch cup."

"who do you think'll win?" blaise asked.

"definitely slytherin. and not because hufflepuffs are soft or anything, they are hardcore. i just think slytherin will win because they have you on their team."

blaise put a hand to his heart. "did you just...compliment me while shaming the rest of my teammates?"

"yes, yes i did. and i don't regret it." ginny said with a grin.

"i'm keeping that compliment in my brain forever." blaise said.

ginny laughed. "you know, i think this partnership is going to work."


"hello, neville!" astoria said pleasantly with a bright smile.

neville quickly shut his book. "hello, astoria."

"please, call me asti, neville. we're friends." astoria said, taking a seat next to him. "what were you reading?"

"oh, nothing. just a book about plants."

astoria smiled. "that's lovely. i've always wanted to own a plant, but i always seem to kill them."

"well, it's always suggested to have at least two plants and put them next to each other. plants need friends, too. and if you tend to...kill plants, muggle ones suffice just as well as wizarding plants. i actually have a few—"

"why'd you stop?" astoria asked. "is something wrong?"

neville shook his head. "no, i just realized i'm rambling. you're probably not even interested in plants, most people aren't."

"neville, i don't mind you telling me about something you're excited about. it's quite amazing to see your eyes glow with excitement talking about plants. hey, maybe you can help me! i've always wanted to own one, maybe you can help me keep it alive!"

"astoria, i think you're the first slytherin to show interest in plants."

astoria shrugged. "i like learning something new. so, about the plant lessons?"

neville laughed. "i'll help you own a plant. we can start with a muggle plant, something simple."

astoria smiled. "sounds good, plant boy!"


"just shut up, weasley!" daphne yelled.

ron jumped. "we have to work on this project! you can't possible be mad at me—"

"weasley, you are my best friend's ex boyfriend, how thick can you be? and your voice is really annoying."

"lavender doesn't think so," ron grumbled.

"all you and lavender do it snog, i doubt she's even heard your voice, idiot."

"why are you so rude? i thought we were friends!" ron argued.

"okay, i'm going to go talk to my other friends, and you can complete the project on your own. bye, weasley." daphne got up, and stomped over to theo, luna, hermione, and draco.


"i have to admit, pansy, i was quite scared of you."

pansy laughed. "i get that a lot."

"poor daphne." harry said as he watched daphne stomp over to her other friends, and away from ron.

"i know. it's horrible she was partnered with him. maybe professor mcgonagall will make some changes."

"i don't know. hopefully."

"who are you rooting for in this week's match?"

"definitely slytherin."

"you can sit on the slytherin side, if you want. just wear something green."

"mione's likely going to be sitting with you guys, so i likely will."

"well, me and daphne are going to be cheering. i'm super hyped for that."

"ooo, that's right. i'm excited to see you guys cheer. it'll be your first time ever cheering, right?"

"yep! as a pureblood witch, i've never heard of a cheerleader until i became friends with mione. it's cool, though. and mione's helped us with choreographing. did you know she can dance?"

harry laughed. "no. i've only heard ginny say she can dance well, but i've never seen her."

"you should watch her sometime, she's amazing! for someone who reads books, she should not be that flexible."

harry laughed. "guess we all have our secrets."

"fair point," pansy said with a smile.

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