Chapter 187 The Last Meal Of Parting

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It was originally a half-hour break, but the military held an impromptu meeting, and the break was extended.

Halfway through the meeting, the captains of each team were invited into the meeting shed and found a hidden corner.

Shen Xun took out the binoculars and looked towards the meeting room. The captains of each team went in for a while, and came out about half an hour later.

After the team leader left, ten minutes later, the nine supernatural beings were invited into the meeting shed.

Shen Xun watched the last person enter the shed and put away the binoculars.

Looking around, Shen Xun turned around and entered the mountain forest. After getting away from the rescue team, Shen Xun's figure ran quickly in the forest.

When he reached the top of the mountain, Shen Xun took out his binoculars and looked towards the forest. The survivors at the foot of the mountain were still cheering.

I just don't know what expressions they had when they saw this oasis.

Every blade of grass and every tree that grew there was watered by blood.

An alienated bird flew over the edge of the forest, and huge green vines emerged from the green leaves.

He entangled the little bird extremely fast, and with a whoosh, the little bird was pulled into the forest.

Only a few colorful feathers remained in the air, slowly falling down.

A gust of wind blew, and the forest returned to calm. This scene seemed to return to the end of the world.

If you want to enter F City, you have to go through this oasis in the end of the world.

In the previous life, even if he took the genetic potion, he also awakened the supernatural power.

After such a long time of training, she still failed to pass through this forest, but this time is different.

There was a sound behind him, Shen Xun put away the binoculars and turned his head to look.

Laifu ran up with a head of dead grass on his head, "Oh~", Laifu lowered his head and sighed.

Xun reached out and stroked the flesh on Laifu's cheek.

Recently, he has been running wildly with her outside, and Laifu seems to have gained a lot of weight, and the tendons on his legs have become firm.

He took out water from the space to feed Laifu, added some fruit to him, and removed the snack bag around his neck, which was empty.

The blood on Laifu's lips stained the clear water in the basin red, but he still drank it in big gulps.

Survivors at the bottom of the mountain gathered on the ground, and there were shouts of excitement. Even standing on the top of the mountain at this time, Shen Xun heard their cheers.

"You've done a great job recently," Shen Xun praised Laifu, the destination has been reached, it's time to put Laifu into the space.

As soon as he entered the space, Laifu ran towards the fortress, opened the door and entered the room by himself, rolled over on the mat twice.

Laifu let out a comfortable cry, the space was not as hot as outside.

Picking up the backpack on the ground and quickly descending the mountain, Shen Xun heard the laughter of the survivors before he got close to the assembly point.

There is still a faint smell of meat in the air. A dozen induction cookers are plugged into solar panels, and white smoke comes out of large iron pots.

The stuff boiled in the pot was bubbling, and soon stuck to the pot due to lack of water, and a burnt smell came out.

But it is this taste that makes everyone want to stop. It has been too long since they have eaten something warm and tasteful.

Randomly found a stone and sat down, Shen Xun also listened to the scene in front of him, it turned out that he was about to reach his destination.

The temporary meeting decided to give everyone extra meals and have a good meal.

The military took out the canned meat that was prepared before, and prepared to reward everyone. There is not much, but everyone can get a bowl of meat paste

paste. Of course everyone was happy, they had forgotten how long it had been since they had eaten meat, and almost forgot what meat tasted like.

Shen Xun looked at the people with smiles on their faces, this might be a meal of beheading, but thinking about it another way, they are quite considerate, aren't they?

At least let them have a good meal before they die.

Half an hour later, the smell of meat filled the air above the assembly area, and the meat was cooked.

Those who have tableware take their own tableware, and those who do not have tableware, the military will issue disposable tableware for eating.

All the survivors stood up and lined up one by one. Shen Xun looked awkward when he was still sitting there, so he stood up and lined up behind the survivors.

It was her turn after a while, and she handed over the disposable tableware in her hand, and scooped half a spoonful of hot meat paste into the bowl.

Holding the smoking meat paste, Shen Xun randomly found an open space and sat on the ground.

Looking at the layer of black crust floating above the meat paste, Shen Xun lifted his brows and took two sips.

It can be eaten, the taste is a bit strange, but it can fill the stomach, took out the pancakes from the backpack, and Shen Xun took a mouthful of the pancakes with meat paste.

Beef pancakes, delicious.

It's been a long time since I ate meat. The survivor drank it in small sips, and ate it with sweet potatoes and potatoes, and he was full.

After eating, all the survivors were full of energy, thinking about setting off for City F immediately, but the military was at a time when everyone was in high spirits.

Announced that I will not be on the road tonight, and I want everyone to rest well, refresh themselves, and set off again tomorrow morning.

"Okay..." After driving for such a long time, everyone wanted to take a good rest, but they didn't expect to eat and drink today.

At the end of the day, I was able to sleep well.

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