Chapter 61

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Black shadows jumped down from the gravel one by one, they were much smaller than Fu, they were alienated stray cats.

Laifu was a little ready to move, "Laifu, keep up," Shen Xun was afraid that it would run back, and there were too many people to do it here, not to mention that there were a lot of alienated cats. In just a short while, Shen Xun had already seen There are no less than twenty of them.

All of them were so fast that they could only see a black shadow when they ran.

"Ah, hurts so much," several people heard the screams and turned their heads to look. It was the woman from before. She was pushed to the ground and her clothes were torn into rags.

The alienated cat's sharp claws scratched at the woman's body, blood splattered and then solidified into blood ice. The alienated cat opened its mouth and bit the woman's unwrapped head and face.

The sharp teeth bit off the woman's scalp and flesh, bringing up a mass of black hair, which was eaten into the mouth, and the woman let out an even more painful scream.

More than a dozen alienated cats pressed on the woman and gnawed, as if they were playing with their prey, they did not give the woman a fatal blow, and enjoyed the woman's screams while eating.

Lin Xiangrui's legs were so frightened by the scene before him, Chen Cheng grabbed his hand, "Go, hurry," Lin Xiangrui's voice trembled.

Zhang Yuanchao came back to his senses, and ran with Chen Hui, pulling things together. They seemed to be bursting with infinite power, and no one looked back.

A few alienated cats did not eat, but chased behind them. Shen Xun turned his head to look, and there were several alienated cats that were so big that they almost caught up with Laifu.

On the other side, two people ran behind and were thrown to the ground. There were screams behind them one after another. They were so frightened that their scalps went numb. The alienated cat gnawed on the thrown prey

. Shen Xun kept on stepping, turned his head to look, the woman was quickly eaten up, and a skeleton with flesh and blood was lying alone on the road, and the alienated cat chased after her.

After running behind for a while, another person was thrown to the ground. The man randomly grabbed things on the ground and threw them at the alienated cats on his body. He hit two and quickly got up from the ground.

The man covered the wound on his stomach and ran quickly again, but how could he be faster than the alienated cat? When the alienated cat was about to approach him, the man grabbed the woman's clothes running in front of him

The man pulled the woman back with force by his wrist, and the alienated cat immediately jumped on the woman and began to bite, "Ahhh... help, help," the woman looked at the man's back in despair.

The crisis behind him was lifted, and the man sped up his escape.

Chen Cheng watched the chaotic scene. Several people were used as stepping stones by his companions. He held Lin Xiangrui's hand tightly, and the two ran as if they were dead.

When a cat catches its prey, it will always playfully let the prey escape for a while.

Four or five huge alienated cats suddenly rushed out of the alley, blocking the way for the prey to escape. They had had enough fun and it was time to eat.

Shen Xun slammed on the brakes, and there happened to be an alienated cat in the same shape as Lai Fu in front of her.

The people in the other two alleys were also forced back by the appearance of the alienated cat. Twenty or so people retreated in a circle for a while, and Lai Fu stood in front of Shen Xun with his teeth bared and roaring.

The alienated cat standing in front of Shen Xun for a while took two steps back, its eyes looked at Lai Fu vigilantly.

"Husband," Chen Hui and Zhang Yuanchao embraced tightly.

Sun Jiahong has already bowed her bow and set her arrows, ready to go

When it happened, Shen Xun took out the horizontal knife from his backpack, and Sun Jiahong couldn't help but take a second look. They couldn't run away anymore. For a while, these people looked for weapons that they could use from the ground, even a stick. There were a lot of steel bars in the rubble of the collapsed building, and each of them had one.

The alienated cat walked around the circle, as if to see which one it would eat first. There was a pungent smell in the air, and someone peed their pants.

The urine was instantly frozen, and the man shivered even more when the wind blew, and now he didn't need the alienated cat to do anything, he could freeze himself to death.

As time passed, the alienated cat was not in a hurry to act, but the man who peed his pants just now went crazy.

He began to take off his clothes in the crowd, one... one, until he was completely naked, "I'm so thirsty, I'm so hot, I'm so hot."

The man's complexion was red, and his exposed skin was also red. He had a smile on his face, but the people around him felt terrified, and the extreme cold gave rise to heat. Everyone knew that the man was going to die.

The man rushed out of the crowd and fell to the ground, his skin touching the ice. When he got up, he heard a stabbing sound, and the skin on the man's legs and abdomen that was touching the ice was torn off.

There were screams from the crowd, and fear was spreading.

The flesh and blood were instantly frozen in the cold air. More than a dozen alienated cats rushed to bite the man, chewing and swallowing, which made people feel scared.

The alienated cats didn't wait any longer, and rushed forward. Chen Cheng raised the steel bar in his hand and beat one of the alienated cats that rushed forward, lying on the ground dying.

With the horizontal knives in Shen Xun's hand, Laifu held down the alienated cat rushing forward with his forelegs, and then bit it on the neck. The alienated cat was torn into two under its mouth.

In The Last Days Of Natural Disasters, Hoard Two Billion Supplies To SurviveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora