Chapter 177 You Are My Most Important Hole Card This Time

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Half an hour later, Laifu still didn't come, and he had to go back.

Lifting the backpack placed by his left foot, Shen Xun looked deep into the forest, then turned and went down the mountain.

"Oh~~", a familiar cry sounded in the distance, Shen Xun stopped and looked back.


In the mountain forest, the huge white figure rushed towards her direction, who else but Laifu.

"Aww~", Laifu was jumping in the forest, and the closer he got to Shen Xun, the more joyously he shouted.

Being thrown to the ground by Laifu, Shen Xun pushed Laifu away, and took out five chilled watermelons and a basin of water from the space.

Laifu buried his head in the basin of water, Gulu drank it, and soon the basin of water was drained. Shen Xun looked at the blood-stained hair around Laifu's mouth.

It is estimated that I have eaten a lot of strange things recently.

Put the water basin into the space, "Laifu, I'm leaving," Shen Xun turned around and ran down the mountain, Laifu followed closely behind Shen Xun.

"You go back, when you get to F city, I'm going to pick you up, you are the most important part of my plan this time, be obedient," Shen Xun pushed Laifu's huge body with both hands.

Many soldiers in city b have seen it, its target is too big,

What's more, there are other plans in the future, and Laifu cannot appear in front of these people at this time. After leaving some other food for it, Shen Xun turned around and ran away. Time was running out, so he had to go back quickly.

Laifu followed behind Shen Xun, chased after two steps, finally stopped, stood where he was, and looked at Shen Xun's back as he went away.

"Why are you only coming back now? Hurry up and get in the car, we're leaving soon," a soldier reprimanded when he saw Shen Xun running towards him in the distance.

Shen Xun got into the car with an expression of finally catching up.

As soon as he got in the car, Shen Xun saw two soldiers standing in the car.

Because at night, some people would take advantage of the dark lights to steal the survivors' things, so the army just held an impromptu meeting.

Each vehicle is equipped with two soldiers armed with guns to protect the property safety of the survivors so that the follow-up arrangements will not go wrong.

After all, they would not provide food to the survivors who participated in this mission in the previous month, and they would have to wait until a month later.

If there are any survivors whose food is stolen on the road now, the follow-up plan will be disrupted.

With the suppression of the soldiers, the order in the carriage was stabilized, and the survivors also died.

I can sleep well.

Finding a seat by the window and sitting down, Shen Xun took off the backpack on his back, hugged it to his chest, and secretly stuffed ice into his mouth. The heat from running just now has receded a lot. I haven't showered and wiped my body for two days. My body is sticky with sweat, and my vest is still stuck to my body.

A smell emanating from his body, Shen Xun took it for granted, it was only worse than this in his previous life.

Even though the truck was moving, there was a lingering heat wave all around, and the survivors in the truck slept soundly.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Shen Xun took off his insulated clothing, took out sunscreen ointment and rubbed it on. The ointment contained mint, and the moment he rubbed it on his skin, there was a burst of coolness.

In the morning, the horn in the carriage did not sound. Obviously, we had to continue on our way. Breakfast was settled in the carriage.

The smell of instant noodles burst into the air, masking the smell of pancakes. Two hours later, all the trucks stopped.

"Everyone, get out of the car and help move things," a pile of collapsed buildings appeared on the aisle ahead, blocking the only way to F City.

The survivors got out of the car one after another, and under the command of the military, they moved things that were blocking the road.

This is only part of the role these survivors can play this time.

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