Chapter 69

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"I can also give them all without eating, but I have to complete the task as soon as possible and rush back. The soldiers under my command are also human beings, they are not machines." If the brothers died on the battlefield, then he had nothing to say.

But not this kind of place.

"I can give them mine too," they were wasting too much time.

"I don't eat either."

The five captains expressed their opinions one after another, and Lin Zhongyi knew that it was time for him to make a decision.

"If that's the case, then give them my portion too, Qin Yilu, you lead someone to share the food and then distribute it, remember to appease the survivors..."

After Lin Zhongyi ordered the next thing, he asked several people to retreat. In Nuoda's tin shed, there was only the crackling sound of burning firewood.

Although the stove was next to him, he still felt cold all over.

The next morning, the troops who had been stationed for a long time began to dismantle the camp, and the crowd began to cheer that they could finally leave this ghost place.

I heard that there is a lot of food in the shelter, and there is a stove, which is very warm.

"Is this for us to eat on the road?" Everyone excitedly took the food they got, a bottle of 350ml mineral water, plus three packs of instant noodles, two breads and a piece of ham.

The soldier who distributed the food was silent and did not speak, but mechanically distributed the food in his hand to the next person.

I heard that the captains all saved their rations for these survivors, how could they eat with peace of mind, and secretly counted their own share when counting the food.

After the food was distributed, Qin Yilu got on the off-road vehicle and shouted with a loudspeaker, "Quiet, listen to me first, those who got the food can leave now."

The team is driving, waiting for the next rescue team. "

"The next rescue team is expected to arrive in a week. The food in your hands is enough to support you to wait for the rescue team. Believe me, GJ has not abandoned you. The current situation is only temporary."

"Why, I don't want food, I'm going to a shelter."

"I'm going to the shelter...".

The faces of the people who got the food immediately changed, and what's more, they threw the food in their hands on the ground, causing the scene to be chaotic.

Qin Yilu's face darkened in an instant. It was all the rations saved by the brothers, "Go, pick up the food that was thrown on the ground."

Qin Yilu ordered the soldiers under his command, and several of them stepped forward to pick up the food on the ground.

The crowd was noisy, and everyone ran to the big truck, fearing that they would be left behind. Hundreds of people crowded in front of the truck and some were stepped under, "Help, help."

"Boom," Qin Yilu took out his pistol and fired a shot into the sky, the crowd gradually quieted down, "Back off, I'll shoot if I take another step forward."

Qin Yilu was able to do this kind of thing. He looked at the soldiers squeezed into the corner of the truck, and saw these people sneaking in one by one.

"We are going to the shelter, don't stay here, who knows what you say is true or not."

"Yes, we're going with you."

There were many voices like this in the crowd, Qin Yilu sneered, "Follow us, yes, but we are not going back to the shelter, but going to City B, the food we gave you just now is the only thing we have left. "

"Not going back to the shelter...".

"We're waiting here and we might meet a rescue team, follow them

Together, we don't know when we can return to the shelter. "

People are such creatures. When things start to involve their own interests, they will start to weigh the pros and cons. The smarter ones have already picked up the food on the ground.

"Let's just wait here. Didn't he say that the rescue team will come soon?"

"Yes, I want to stay. I want to wait for the rescue team here. I finally came here from City B. I won't go back."

Most of the people at the scene came from City B, and they ran out as soon as the water receded.

Only a very small number of people still went to city b with the army, and they still had relatives who hadn't come out in city b, so they wanted to follow them to see.

The army set off again, this time traveling day and night, and met many survivors on the road, crying and shouting and chasing after the truck, but the army did not stop.


After half a year of extreme cold.

Laifu went out early in the morning, and Shen Xun finished the weight training and collected the ice cubes in the room. For the past six months, he would stock up some ice cubes every day, and there were four or five icebergs piled up in the space.

The ability became more and more proficient. Shen Xun was lying on the sofa, and the rice in the rice cooker was cooked. Shen Xun took the rice cooker to the cubicle and asked Lin Xiangrui to help make fried rice. As a reward, He can eat a bowl.

Shen Xun didn't ask Lin Xiangrui to cook for herself a month ago. She has already learned some simple dishes, which are enough.

After cooking the rice, Lin Xiangrui made it into fried rice, and made it every two or three days, as did the meat buns, and then put them in the space for stockpiling, whatever was convenient.

When the fried rice was finished, Chen Cheng also came back. He dragged some firewood into the house, and Lin Xiangrui shared half of his bowl of fried rice with Chen Cheng.

In The Last Days Of Natural Disasters, Hoard Two Billion Supplies To SurviveWhere stories live. Discover now