Chapter 18: Military

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Before heading to the soldiers training room, I had to go and pick up Alexios', I needed a bodyguard because I was sure they would resort to foul play. I went so deep into the soldiers wing that the lights started flickering and the wall paper peeled, I would move his room but even I don't have that much power. I knocked and Alexios opened the door shirtless. My face instantly became hot. I looked into the room and noticed a pile of dirty clothes on the floor. That's right, focus on how dirty boys are.

"Are you here about our assignment?" I nodded, eyes still riveted on the clothes.

"Are you going with your father?"

A chuckle, "I'm not the kind of guy to leave my bestfriends to the beasts without any protection."

My eyes travelled back up to his face in surprise and he continued, "Or maybe according to them, I'd be the beast."

My face flushed again. "Let's go, I don't want to be late." I stuttered out.

"Since when would you not take a chance to disrespect Finley."

"Since I was under his rule, before it was required and although it was nice, I don't want anything to happen to me. I have no one to fall back on."

"You forgot someone."

"Who?" I asked.

"Me, I can go after him if he comes after you." He grinned.

I smile, "You know, being a pompous ass suits you."

"I concur." We then rushed because, although there wouldn't be many consequences, there's still no point to making Finley mad unnecessarily.

We walked to the soldiers training room, not excited in the least to work with Finley. I pushed open the doors to the soldier's training room. Everyone's eyes turned to me and my heart wormed its way into my throat, but then I feel the weight of Xios' hand on my shoulder, centering me again. This time, I'm not alone.

Alexios' and I walked up to Finley, behind him was Anastasia, Kane and another girl. She was short and sporting pastel green hair in pigtails.

Determined to be amicable, a stupid, fake grin spread out on my face. "It's nice to see you, Finley. I heard you and the rest of the Noblis' pushed to have me as a soldier, I was so proud that you thought I was strong enough to keep up," My gaze then turned to Anastasia who was behind them, "Especially with how Anastasia was always talking about how weak I was."

I noticed Anastasia's fists tightening to the point that I could see blood pooling, something I didn't even know vampire's possessed. "It's nothing against you, Valerie." Anastasia had a concerned expression. "Humans are just so...delicate and usually they don't take so long to be eaten." Her lilting voice took on a babying tone.

"I get it, Anastasia. For vampires, it's unnerving to not be around a bitch." Xios added and my jaw dropped before I broke out in a laugh but so did someone else. I looked up and saw the green haired girl laughing.

Anastasia shot the girl the dirtiest look I had ever seen. "Sorry, sorry. It was just funny, Ana. Not like it's a lie anyway."

Anastasia's voice took on a deathly note. "Amelia, go and get started training." The green haired girl, Amelia, was about to speak before she was cut off. "Now." Amelia scurried off.

"Your father may be here but I recommend that you don't get cocky, he can't stop an accident." Anastasia said before sauntering off.

WEhen Finley spoke, I was suddenly brought back to the fact that he was there. "You three will join Micheal's squad." He pointed at a group in the back, I noticed that there were some people that I knew in the group. Olivia, Amara.

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