chapter 9

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After the movie is over i help Jenna clean up the dishes. i take our glasses and she takes our bowls into the kitchen. She washes while i dry, we're listening to music. My favourite song comes on next, i turn my head to look at her.

"you like glowing review?" i ask her

"it's in my playlist because YOU like it." she smiles while continuing to wash the bowls

"how- what how did you know that i like it?" i stare at her, her eyes soften

"i have my ways." she flips her hair and gets back to washing the dishes.

after a short while we're both done and putting the dishes away where they belong.

"where am i sleeping tonight?" i ask her, she looks at me.

"my bed." she states and looks away

i blush at the thought of being in the same bed as jenna while we sleep.

"Oh okay." I sat back to her before feeling her hand wrap around mine and drag me into her bedroom. She sits down on her bed and pats the space next to her, I assume she wants me to sit there so I do.

Jenna POV:

I sit on my bed and let Y/N sit next to me. I'm not too sure how to feel. I don't normally let people in my space, especially in my bed. My bed and bedroom is my safe place, a place that will comfort me whenever i feel down and need that extra support. Y/N is just different to everyone else and she makes me feel different to. I turn my head to look at her. her eyes are glued to her phone. she is silently scrolling through tiktok, she likes a few videos and giggles at a couple. Soon enough she catches me looking at her.

"you okay?" She asks me, i snap out of my daze and smile softly at her.

"Yeah! Is that side okay for you? If you'd rather sleep on this side we can switch." I offer.

"Yes of course its okay." She smiles back, her focus returning to her phone.

I grab my TV remote and turn on NETFLIX. I pick a random movie and set the remote on my side table. We both get under the covers and lay fairly close to one another, I feel myself drifting off to sleep before Y/N's voice brings me back to reality.

"this has been the best day ever."

I open my eyes to look at her, of course she's already looking at me. I hug her tight.

"I know I'm so glad you're here." She hugs me back and after a few minutes I turn over to go to sleep knowing this is the happiest I have been in a long time.

(Time skip a few days)

I just finished filming a few scenes with Emma, when Emma leaves to film more scenes with other people I pull out my phone and message Y/N.


Hey Y/N where are you rn? I Just finished

filming for today. do u wanna hang out?

I wait for 10 minutes to see if she replies. She doesn't so I message our group chat instead.


Jennifer (Jenna):

Hey dues and dudettes, I just

finished for today and do any of

you know where Y/N is rn?

Georgina (Georgie):

She's filmish with Hunter and Joy in

Room 3, she'll be done soon i think

Jennifer (Jenna):

ohhh thank youuuuuuu

I shortly make my way over to room 3and go inside. I stand off to the side so that i don't get in the way of any of these scenes. She's done about 15 minutes after and when we make eye contact she instantly smiles and runs over to me. She hugs me so hard and accidently lifts me off of the ground. 

"hey" she says smiling into my hair.

"hiiiiii" I reply.

"do you want to get coffee?" She asks, pulling away from the hug to look at me.

i smirk. "are you asking me out?" I ask her jokingly.

"maybe I am Ortega, can you handle that?" she winks at me.

Now this really caught me off guard


i'm really grateful i get to know you <3 jenna ortega x fem reader!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ