chapter 3

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Jenna POV: (woah? switch up)

it has been a month since i started talking to Y/N, she is honestly probably my best friend right now. she is so perfect its scary. im flying to Romania tomorrow, she is arriving a day after me. im so nervous to meet her, what if she thinks im annoying or if im too boring- woah why am i overthinking this? i shouldn't care what anyone thinks about me.

Y/N is facetiming you.

i smile at my screen, feeling giddy as i accept the call, her face pops up on my screen and she's smiling back at me.

"hiiii" she says happily, waving at the camera.

"hello Y/N! how are you? are you excited to finally meet in 2 DAYS?" i scream the last part.

"oh my god stop reminding me i'm so nervous you have no idea. i'm also so excited don't get me wrong but what if you all just hate me" she says looking at her hands and fiddling around, i frown at the sight of seeing her so nervous.

"Y/N, i assure you, everyone on set is lovely and they will all be good to you." i reassure her. she smiles at me.

"thank you jenna." she replies.

we continue talking for a while and i continue packing, asking her opinion on every piece of clothing that i pick up, i don't pack too many clothes, only my most comfy and. y favourite outfits as i can just get clothes when i get there if needed.

a couple of hours later i hang up, take a shower and do all of my nightly things before getting into bed and putting on a movie. i close my eyes and feel myself drift to sleep.

i am awoken by my alarm it's 6am and i have to be out of the house and ready to get a lift to the airport at 7am. I jump up from my bed excitedly and switch my lamp on, running into the bathroom almost tripping on my feet to turn on the shower, after i have discarded my clothes on the floor and step into the steamy hot shower. once i'm done and i have put on some comfy travelling clothes and get my bags ready i'm waiting 5 minutes for my lift to get here.

i'm sitting in my uber and my phone vibrates, i reach into my pocket and pull my phone out.

Y/N 🤍

Hey jen! (hope you like the new
nickname hehe) i hope you have
a safe flight and remember to
eat and drink! i can't wait to see
you tomorrow and give you the
biggest hug ever ❤️❤️ get back
to me when you can, no pressure!
i miss you!

i smile at my phone stupidly, this girl. i quickly reply to her.

Y/N 🤍

Hey jen! (hope you like the new
nickname hehe) i hope you have
a safe flight and remember to
eat and drink! i can't wait to see
you tomorrow and give you the
biggest hug ever ❤️❤️ get back
to me when you can, no pressure!
i miss you!

Y/N! hi! i'm so excited i can't wait to see you
tomorrow! i just arrived at the airport so i'll
text you once i'm through security x

oh shit why did i put a kiss hopefully she won't think that's weird, i get out of the car and get my luggage from the trunk and then pay and thank the driver. as he's driving away we exchange a small wave and smile. i head inside the airport and check my large bag in then head straight for security.

after i am done through security i quickly find somewhere to sit down and enjoy some food. i settle on a mc donald's as i know that i enjoy the food from there. i find a seat and sit down, there isn't too many people inside so i decide to facetime Y/N.

i quickly press the call button and wait for her to answer.

"uhhh hello???" Y/N says tiredly, groaning at the bright light from her phone.

"hellooooo i'm sorry did i wake you?" i cover my mouth with my hands and giggle as she nods, "i'm sorry i just wanted to tell you that i'm at the airport and my flight leaves in less than an hour so i'll talk to you again when i'm in romania, probably in my apartment." i frown slightly

she sits up slightly, i can see she's only wearing a sports bra and i can feel my face heating up a bit- why do i feel like this towards her? i never feel this way towards anyone else.

"ok jen call me as soon as you get there. i might as well sleep for a bit more then" she laughs.

"see you soon" i smile at her and hang up.

a little while later i'm boarding the plane and finding my seat in first class, all cast members are in first class on their flights. i relax and feel the plane take off, i sigh and close my eyes.

i can't wait.

AN: i honestly don't know where i'm going with this

i'm really grateful i get to know you <3 jenna ortega x fem reader!Where stories live. Discover now