*Bonding With The Kel-Dor*

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Unfortunately master Deselo had been teaching that day, as it was his last day as a teacher of the class, courtesy of the council deciding it as such.

Meaning if anything, the man had only encouraged it to continue, though the arrival of master Tera Sinube, their new teacher, had prevented that scenario.

Master Sinube was a very nice old man, Anakin liked him, especially since he made it clear that bullying would not be tolerated when he became teacher of their class, for which Anakin was grateful.

Olin hadn't talked to him since, just ignoring his existence, and the feeling was very mutual.

But anyway, now he walked to his usual class, only now he felt happy about it.

A Jedi master, a Kel-Dor he notes, was walking towards him just down the hall a bit.

Anakin was nervous at first, but, the feeling he got from this Jedi was very welcoming, like that of his master.

"Hello, I am master Plo Koon. Who might you be young one?" He asked when he reached Anakin.

"Hello master Plo, I'm Anakin." He answered, though feeling nervous.

Plo sent waves of calming energy through the force.

"There is no need to feel nervous Anakin. I am rather pleasant, despite my appearance." Plo added, trying to break any tension that might be present.

Anakin laughed.

"That's okay master Plo."

They started walking again.

"So how have you fared this morning?" Plo asked following a moment of silence.

"I'm doing better. That other boy doesn't bother me or Barriss anymore, and master Sinube is really nice." Anakin replied a bit happily.

The Jedi master nodded.

"Ferus Olin."

"You know about it? Do you have a Padawan who goes to the class?" Anakin questioned, genuinely intrigued.

Again, the presence of master Plo was just as comforting as his master's, so he felt at ease and perfectly comfortable around the Kel-Dor master and council member.

"No. The council was made aware of him from your friend Barriss. Master Gallia then spoke with his master, and so she had a talk with him and told him to leave you be, lest he face consequences from the council for his rude and unprovoked behavior." Plo replied softly.

Anakin felt slightly reassured.

The council was actually trying to help him?


Maybe he had misinterpreted them at the beginning.

Well actually, the behavior of Koth, Wurhui, and Mundi was like that of people who did something wrong, and were now trying to rectify it.

'well they are actually trying, shows that they do care.' Anakin thought to himself.

"Thank you for that master Plo."

"If anything it is Barriss you should be thanking. She was quite adamant that the council do something about the situation, as was her master." Plo waved him off.

'he's so humble, just like my master.' Anakin thought further.

"And how goes your training so far?"

"It's going good. Master Ti kind of pushes me a little, but I know she's just trying to make sure I'm doing my best."

"Indeed, as expected of her."

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