{9}: Point Of View

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"What, Toad."

"W-where is Toadsworth? I can't find him!"




"Its..It's fine, princess. I can find him myself,"


"You didn't..Peach? What happened to him..?"

"That's princess to you,"


"Leave me,"

"Yes..princess, "


It had been about two weeks ever since Luigi had been sent to the Koopington Forest. He was still mildly hurt that the princess would do such things to him, but lately, she had been..odd.

Luigi had also spent much, much more time with the koopas. Although kamek was always the same old hag, everyone else was different. 

They were kind towards each other and Luigi. And yes, the Koopa Kids could be extremely evil at times, it was just pure childhood fun.

And Bowser, Luigi was really starting to warm up to him. Bowser thought so too. They had gotten to know each other better privately, and shared many things about themselves with each other.

There was another side of them that he hadn't expected. A part that showed love, compassion, playfulness and even vunrability!

Bowser thought so too. He saw the sweet side of Luigi. And yeah, he was sweet before, but only towards Mario and the princess. 

But now, he saw that Luigi was willing to be unbiased, just to help him change. He would be forever grateful for Luigi, he didn't even have a way to thank him, do he did the best with the little things.

"Hey, greenie, I have something for you," says Bowser, walking into Luigi's room. "Greenie?" Luigi chuckles. "I think it's cute!" Exclaims Bowser. He then remembered exactly what he just said. "I- I mean.." He stammers, his face flushing a deep red. Luigi chuckles again. "Well in that case, I might as well call you..hot sauce, " he states. Bowser let's out a laugh, and then beckons Luigi to follow him.

He raises an eyebrow, but obeys and allows Bowser to lead him wherever he was taking him. They snuck off, and tried to avoid as many people as possible. The anticipation was killing Luigi, and he just couldn't wait until the "surprise" was given to him.

Soon, Bowser had led him to a corridor, and into his private chambers.

He led him over to the bed, and then got on top of it.

Luigi blushed red, until he realized that Bowser was looking for something. His giant claws were moving all across the headboard, in search of something. 

When Bowser let out a small gasp, Luigi knew that he had found it. He pressed a button, and a random wall started to turn, revealing a secret passage.

Luigi sat there, awestruck, until Bowser grabbed his hand and dragged him into the secret corridor. He led him up the spiral staircase, which seemed to go on forever.

"I bet peach's castle doesn't have one of these!" Bowser smirks, still running up the stairs. "Not that I know of..where are you taking me anyways?" Asks Luigi. "You'll see," Bowser says, a hint of mischief in his voice. Luigi gulped, and continued up the stairs behind Bowser.

He led him up the stairs, and to a mysterious door. Bowser shot Luigi a mischievous grin, and then swung the door open. 

They were on the rooftop of the castle. Bowser led him to the edge, where a blanket and a small picnic basket were.

Luigi looked over to Bowser with a smile. Bowser smiled back and sat down, Luigi following his actions.

They say in silence for a while and watched the stars.

"I never knew the stars were this visible," he exclaimed, in awe at the wonderful display of stars. "Well, we aren't called the darklands for nothing, " Bowser chuckled.  Luigi laughs too. He sighs, and lies down on his back.

"You wanna know something?" Bowser asks. "Sure," Luigi replies, intrigued by what the Koopa king had to say to him. "Well, to be honest..I think that over the time, my point of view on you has changed.." He admits. "How so?" "For starters, you are really nice. Like, I'm your biggest enemy, but  you have the will to be unbiased towards me..why is that? " He asks. Luigi furrows his brows in thought.

"Because..you've changed," he says softly. Bowser's eyes grow wide in shock. "You are trying to change for the people you love, and I adore you for that. You are strong, and courageous.." He says. Bowser smiles. "I'm trying,"

The two sit and admire the stars for a little bit, while eating small snacks and drinking champagne.  Hours later; Luigi had fallen asleep onto bowser's shoulder.

Bowser sighed and leaned into Luigi.

He felt as if he was really making a difference, and although he was the enemy,  he was making good progress,  and the entire change was a process.

But, he was going to embrace it, and really show people that he could change. All it took was him, and Luigi was giving him the extra confidence and support that he needed.

He shifted under luigi's weight and held him tight. He sighed and soon drifted off to sleep.


"Hello, princess."

"Ah, yes. Toadaneka, come in,"

"Your majesty, I offer my services in return of one thing,"

"I will do anything,"

"The guaranteed avenge of my family,"

"Consider it done, my dear. Once Bowser is dead, everyone will be avenged,"

"Yes, princess."

"Well then, I need to put a few more things together. Please, train as much as you can,"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Oh Bowser...I'm coming for you,"


Omg! I haven't updated in like, 50 years!

Right now, I'm on vacation, but I'm not going to leave you hanging.

Although I won't specify what happened, please, cherish your families. You never know how much you love someone until they are gone.

(P.s. nothing bad has happened to any of my family!)

Anyways, have a great day and as always,

Thanks for reading :)


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