{4}: A Day Out

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"Boss, are you sure that you want to keep him here? I can have him transported back home."

"Kamek, i've made my desicion."

"I know, boss, but still, won't Mario come after you?"

"I will cross that bridge when I get to it."

"There might not be a bridge if we continue to-"

"KAMEK! Just..leave it be."

"Y-yes, boss."

The morning sun shone down on Luigi's face as he woke up. His head was pounding, and his vision was blurry. He made an attempt to sit up, straining all of his muscles. Once his vision cleared up a little bit, he noticed a figure in the corner, sitting down facing the bed.

It was Bowser!

What was he doing here? Did Luigi do something wrong?! Thoughts raced through his head as he contempelated about why Bowser was sitting there. He gripped his head, and tried to collect himself. Luigi must've caused quite a scene, because Bowser suddenly was snapped out of his trance and was fully alert.

"Luigi! You're awake!! I mean-- you're awake, thats uhh, good." he exclaims. Luigi stayed silent, still trying to get his thoughts together. "You had a rough day yesterday. You we're blacked out for hours!" Bowser explains. That actually made sense to Luigi. "B-but..why are you here..?" Luigi finally manages. "I..the doctor said that you needed to be montiored closely, so I thought I would just check up on you.." he admits. Luigi smiles.

Over the past few days, Luigi had seen another side of Bowser that he had never seen before. He was being kind, hospitable, caring, and overall, charming..Luigi would never admit it to himself, but he was starting to warm up to the Koopa King. He had to stay true to himself. What about Mario? What about the Mushroom Kingdom?!

"...Luigi?" Bowser asks, snapping Luigi out of his trance. "Oh, yeah..umm, thanks for checking up on me..." he says, swinging his legs off of the bed and standing up. He immediately falls to the ground after standing up, causing Bowser to rush over to help him.

"I-i'm fine.." Luigi groans, getting up with the help of Bowser. When their hands touched, Luigi felt a sensation that he had never felt before. He shook his head in protest. No, no, no! He couldn't be! Not with the enemy!!

It was only then that he realized that they were still holding hands. Luigi broke away from Bowser faster than the speed of light, and flopped back down onto the bed.

The two of them sat there in awkward silence for a while, until Kamek interrupted them.

"Boss, you have a meeting today, and we are supposed to arrange the resource redistribution, and you are supposed to make an apperance with Koopierre, today, and.." "Kamek? Can't you see that i'm in the middle of something?" Bowser cuts him off, starting to sound annoyed. "Yes boss, but this is important, you have to make an apperance in thirty minutes!" Kamek exclaims. Bowser groans and rolls his eyes.

He walked over to Kamek, who was standing by the door, and whispered something in his ear, that was just out of hearing distance for Luigi. The only things he could make out were: Luigi, out, the koopa kids, work, and..salami?

That was a weird conversation. Luigi just sat there awkwardly while the two Koopas chatted.

"Are you sure, boss?" Kamek whispered. Bowser shot Kamek a glare, one symbolising that he WAS NOT playing around. Kamek gulped, and moved out of the doorway, so that Bowser could pass. Once Bowser exited the room, Kamek spoke up.

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