{1} : Taken In

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"Sir, what do you suppose we do with him?"

"Well, we couldn't just leave him out there in the woods..but, let's just keep him here for now and when he wakes up, we can figure something out,"

"Like what though?"

"I'm not sure.."

"Well at least we know one thing..the king HAS to know about this"

"Agreed. When he wakes up we shall take him to the king."

"Speaking of which..I think he's waking up."

Luigi slowly opened his eyes. The piercing light of the room blinded him momentarily, causing him to shield his eyes with his hand. 

He blinked a couple of times, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the sudden change in environment, and sat up. His eyes glided around the room, trying to figure out where he was. The last thing he remembered was blacking out in the woods. He also felt a throbbing pain in his leg, but tried to block it out.

His eyes moved to a corner of the room, where he saw two figures standing there, engulfed in a conversation.  One of them looked over their shoulder and spotted Luigi, attracting the attention of the other person.

The person, clad in camouflage, cautiously walked towards Luigi, holding a hand up. Luigi, being the person he was, started to slide back on the bed, trying to get away from the approaching person, his vision still slightly blurred.

The person moved closer and closer, until they were at the foot of the bed that Luigi was on. Luigi's vision finally cleared up, so he could see the person.

It was a Koopa!

Luigi gulped, and continued to slide back, until he felt the cold surface of a wall greet him. Many beads of sweat tricked down his face as the other guard started to walk over to him also.

They must've sensed his fear, because on of them spoke up. "Listen, we aren't going to hurt you."

Luigi knew he couldn't trust any random person, let alone a Koopa, but something in his tone of voice told him that he was telling the truth.

The guard clad in camouflage whispered something to the other guard, and he nodded.

"We are going to take you to the king. Are you okay to walk?" He asks, getting even closer to Luigi. Luigi sniffles a nod, although his leg was in excruciating pain, he didn't want to let them know. 

He stumbled to his feet, his legs trembling beneath him.

He followed the guards through the winding corridors of the castle, his heart pounding. Every step seemed to magnify his nervousness, his mind racing with thoughts of what Bowser had in store for him.

The air seemed to get colder as the three of them reached the outside of the throne room. The guard dressed in camo held up a hand, signaling for the other two to stay behind as he went into the throne room. They obeyed, and the guard walked into the throne room.

After a few moments of waiting, the guard came back out, and motioned for the two of them to enter. Luigi gulped and limped forward, trying to prepare himself for whatever was about to come next.

As he entered the throne room, his eyes immediately went from the giant chandelier hanging from the ceiling to the red carpets lining the floor, all the way up to the mighty throne, in whom a certain somebody was sitting on.


Luigi tried to stop his legs from uncontrollably shaking, but ultimately fails as he reaches the throne.

Bowser looks down at Luigi, and then over to the two guards.

"You are dismissed," he says plainly. The guards bow and exit the room. He then directs his attention back over to Luigi.  

"Green Mario..hmm, I would've never thought you would be here without your brother in trail!" Bowser chuckles. Luigi shudders. "Clearly it didn't go well," Bowser says, looking Luigi up and down. Luigi looks down at his hurt leg, and tries to pull it behind his other, but the pain becomes unbearable and he winces. Bowser sighs and shakes his head. "Not so strong, are ya?" he asks, clearly enjoying the show that was put on before him. Luigi glares at the big koopa king. Bowser chuckles again. "I guess thats enough torment for one day. KAMEK!!"

Luigi hears a swooshing sound coming from behind him and ducks instinctively. He looks up slightly, to see a blur of yellow, blue, and brown soar over him. Once it passes, he sits up again, to see Kamek in front of the king.

"Kamek, take Luigi to be checked. Clearly, hes hurt," Bowser instructs. "But boss !!" kamek protests. "Do I have to repeat myself?" Bowser asks intimidatingly, starting to stand up. Kamek breaks out into a mini-sweat. "N-no, boss." he stutters, grabbing his wand and waving it in the air.

Soon, Kamek had led Luigi to the infirmary, and was tending to his wounds.

"W-why are you doing this?" Luigi asks in a whisper, trying to speak through the pain. Kamek looks up at Luigi, but then looks back down at his leg. "The king has never..hated you, mainly your brother," he explains. Luigi still couldn't believe that, but kept quiet. He leaned back against the table and sighed. He procrastionated about what they were going to do to him, especially since he was exploring the forest in secret.

Thinking about the forest made him think about Peach. She wouldn't fully tell him what she wanted, so why did she even send him to find an unknown item?

Luigi was snapped out of his trance by Kamek.

"You are in no condition to go back home in this state, I advise you to stay here," kamek said. There was no arguing in that. Luigi felt tired and had much fatigue. Kamek spun on his heels and walked to the door. "I must warn you though, do NOT try anything while you are here, do you understand?" Luigi nodded.

He was in for the long run now.


Hello everyone!

LOL, this is ONLY the second chapter of this book!!
I will let you guys know though, I WILL post more often, and I already have the next three chapters in the working for this book.
But yall..please dont rush me..good things come to those who wait!!

Anyways, have a nice day and as always,

Thanks for reading :)

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