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You woke up in a small and unfamiliar apartment. You quickly sat up. Then someone walked in. "Y/N, my Neice, are you okay?"
You frowned. "I'll be fine, when I'm back with my boyfriend." His eyes widened in shock. "Your boyfriend? Who is it... tell me!" You rolled your eyes. "You'd be disappointed. UA didn't already tell you?" He shrugged. "No?" You sighed. "Tomura Shigaraki is my over protective, villain boyfriend." He gasped. "Y/N.. No, No, not him please tell me your lying. Does he make you happy?" You nodded. "Is he... yknow?" You giggled. "Yes." He smirked. "Ooh~" You smiled. "Can you stop?" He giggled. "Of course. But, does he really treat you right? Being serious here y/n." You turned. "Yes, even though it's been hard, he's kept me happy."

"Then, I know it may seem like a bad thing for a hero to do, but, I'm gonna lie to UA. I'll tell them I was ambushed and that you got taken. Do you have any way to contact him?"

"Maybe? I know where we're located, I think."


"Outside of Yokohama. Or at the edge of it."

"Okay, can you show me on my phone map?" You nodded and he handed you his phone. You pinpointed the small house. "Perfect. Let's go." You nodded, and he brought you out of the apartment. "Get in y/n." You slipped into the front seat. He smiled, getting into the driver's seat and setting his phone down on the dashboard. He started driving. "Do you want lunch? It's like 2:00 pm." You nodded shyly. "Your lucky you were always my favorite." You giggled. "I expect you to check in with me. If you don't I will randomly show up at your house." You started laughing. "I will, I promise." He stared back at the road. "What do you want? Ooh we could go get sushi/(whatever your fav food is)" You nodded happily. "Okay then, small detour!" You looked out the window I'm the city. You missed him. But, everyone in the family hated your dad. So you fell apart from everyone. But he found you. Afters years, he found you. "Hey, y/n were here. Y/N?" You woke up from your daydream. "Sorry. Let's go inside." He started waking in and you followed being behind him. He sat down, and you sat across from him. "So what do you want?" You looked down at the menu. "I'll get y/o (your order)." He nodded. Then the server walked over to your table. "Drinks?" Kuyushi answered. "Water." You added, "Same for me." They nodded and walked away. About 5 minutes later, they came with the waters. "And for lunch?" Uncle Kuyushi answered first. "I'll have h/o." The server turned to you. "I'll have y/o." They wrote it down and walked away. "You know,
Y/N, it's been years. We thought you died. I heard about your dad, by the way. I'm sorry." You frowned. "I love him. But I just didn't have a real childhood as a kid. And with mom being gone... and I haven't seen him in awhile. Alot has happened." His eyes widened. "I visited him once. About a month ago. They said he's gonna be awhile. More than what they told you." You turned your head. "They told me 5 months I figured he'd be awake.." He frowned. "They changed it. He's gotten worse. They told me it'd be like 2 more years at the least." A small tear dropped down your face. "Really..?" He nodded, his gaze on you softening. You calmed down just as the food came. Kuyushis food was hot, but he immediately started shoving all of it into his mouth. "Uncle Kuyushi..? Is your mouth okay?" He nodded and kept eating. You slowly started eating yours, and when you were about half way done Kuyushi was finished. "How the hell?" He chuckled at your disbelieving face. You finished your food, and he payed for it. "Well, kid, let's go." You nodded and got back into the car. He set his phone back up, and started quickly driving. You slowly fell asleep as he made his way into the middle of the city.

You woke up to Kuyushi hitting you on the shoulder. "Were here. I parked down the street from it." You recognized it. "Follow me. They're gonna think it's another trap." He sighed, getting out of the car and following you to the small house. You knocked on the door. Toga opened it. "Oh my God oh my God! Y/N!" She gave you a hug and Tomura quickly appeared beside her. He was tattered and tired. "Y/N? Who's that." You smiled. "This is my Uncle. He brought me back to you." Tomura pulled you into an embrace, kissing you passionately. "Well, y/n. I'm gonna go, I need to do some stuff before I tell UA the story." Tomura raised an eyebrow at him as he walked away. "I expect you to call me soon y/n yl/n!" You smiled in to Tomuras chest. "I missed you." He picked you up and tightly squeezed you. You could hear him lightly whimpering as he brought you into their room. He was crying. "I'm sorry y/n... I failed to save you. Twice." You started crying a bit. "Well I'm here now." He held you close in his arms, and you finally got a close look at his dark tear stained face. "Are you okay? I know UA probably didn't treat you right." You frowned. "I made a student chase me around the building until I was caught. That was funny. They tried getting me to tell them things. I didn't, though." He smirked at the first sentence. "Sounds like you were being feisty." You snuggled into his chest. "Just to be with you. And my powers hurt me, it wasn't that bad though. For me, atleast." Tomura looked up. "What do you mean?" You giggled. "The guy who stole me got hurt. Badly. It was an accident." Tomura chuckled. "Was it?" You frowned. "Yes! I don't wanna hurt people." He smirked. "Then leave it to me."

ℍ𝕚𝕤 𝔻𝕣𝕦𝕘 (𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕜𝕚 𝕩 𝔽!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)Where stories live. Discover now