!Chapter 3!

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"Fine I'm seeing Niki!"He admitted

"Niki as in Nihachu?!"I stand up as I say that

"YES NIKI AS IN NIHACHU!" Ash raises his hands up


Ash runs to a part of the room and rolls himself into a ball.

"please don't hurt me wil!"

"I won't."

"Ok great because-"

I give Ash a hard slap in the face.


Look I'm sorry okay!"Ash says terrified

I look down at my hands and realized what I've done.

"No I'm sorry.I don't even remember most of my ex wives I-I'm sorry."

"Okay thank you!"

Ash crawls back to his original couch chair and curls up in a blanket,obviously texting Niki under it.I also go back to my original spot on the sofa.Ash sets his phone down.

"I have a challenge for you."

"Ugh what now you're gonna make me make out with baby blue?"I say 

"What the fuck-no why would I make you do that?"Ash said 

"I don't know!Maybe your secretly into guitars or something!"

"Uhm no I was going to ask you if you could name all of your exes."

"I literally just told you I can't even name all of my wives!"I said laughing.

"Uh huh,now start!"He squints his eyes expecting something

"Mmm lets seee,Niki,Amanda,Laisa,Jenni,Emily,Molly,Jessica,Brook,Kyle,Stan,Elliot,andddd.."I trail off

"You're forgetting two."Ash flaunts


"Lauren and Laurissa?Remember the twins?You guys had like some of the worst fights"

"And the best threeway kisses..."I reminisce.

"Ehhhhhh I'm going to sleep..Night night DJ Khaled."

"DJ Khaled?"I tilt my head,confused.

"Another one..."Ash says before he goes to sleep.

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