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The tires squealed to a stop as they frantically ran through the door to where Tracy, her parents, and the bridesmaids, were sitting waiting for them. Their heads sharply turned when the doors flung open.

"Hey. Sorry, MapQuest took us on a really crazy route." Stu apologized between breaths.

"It's alright. You're here and that's all that matters. Ari, have a seat so we can get your hair and makeup done." Tracy's mom, Linda, gestured at a chair in front of a vanity.

Once Ari sat down, she looked at Tracy in the mirror to look at her simple dress with a long train as Linda brushed her long black hair. "You look amazing, Tracy. I'm sorry I wasn't here for the bridesmaids makeover."

"It's ok." After Linda had finished brushing Ari's hair, her hands stopped as she started to gather the hair together for a bun.

"Oh my goodness. What happened to your back?" Linda asked as she saw Ari's back that wasn't covered by the dress, causing Phil to look over.

"A couple days ago, I was in a hurry and ended up sliding down my stairs." Ari lied. Now wasn't the time to tell what went down in Vegas. Ari usually wears her hair down but Phil enjoyed seeing her hair in a bun since it accentuated her face more. Once Linda was finished with her, the friends and bridesmaids made their way to the outdoor alter that was decorated with white flowers. After the flower girls walked, the wedding march started causing everyone to stand up as the bride and her father began to walk down the aisle.

"I'm sorry that we were late." Doug whispered to Sid after Tracy kissed her dad's cheek.

"Vegas." He replied with a wink and clapped him on the shoulder and then made his way to his seat in the front row.

Tracy's smile fell when she looked at Doug's burnt face. "Where were you? And why are you so red?"

"It's a long story." He waited for the minister to say his opening statement.

"We are gathered here today because of the strength of love and promises kept...."

"And I promise for as long as we are married to never, ever put you through anything like this again. Can you forgive me?" Doug asked. Tracy intertwined her fingers with his and gave him a smile and focused on the ceremony. Ari, Phil, Stu, and Alan smiled warmly as they watched on.


After the ceremony finished, all the guests stood around the dance floor as Doug and Tracy stood in the center holding microphones.

"Before we have our first dance, we would like to make a quick speech. Don't worry, we will do toasts later. To our closest family and friends, welcome and thank you for being here! We are so thankful to be surrounded by the people who have positively changed our lives." Doug said as he looked around him.

"And now as we enter this next chapter together, we're so grateful to know you're part of this moment as well. We'd especially like to thank our parents and the entire wedding party who have put their love, time, and care into ensuring our wedding day turned out just as we imagined." Tracy finished and everyone clapped.

Ari became confused when Phil left her side and started walking towards the newly weds. "Where are you going?" She whispered and only got a smile as a response from Phil. Doug, Tracy, and Phil whispered to each other before Doug handed Phil the microphone.

"Hey everyone. Now I know this isn't the time for toasts, but there's something I would like to quickly talk about. Obviously today is a very special day worth celebrating and I would like someone in particular to help make Tracy's and Doug's first dance even better. Not only is that person my best friend but she has an amazing voice that needs to be heard." Ari's heart rate increased and her cheeks became pink. Not just from unexpectedly having to sing in front of a crowd but also the way Phil looked at her made her unable to move. Phil decided to walk towards her and tried to gently pull her towards the dance floor but Ari stayed put. Stu, Alan, the newly weds, and others who recognized her began the clapping.

The Magic of Vegas ('The Hangover' fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz