Strange Bedfellows

Start from the beginning

My silence is just as long as hers was. "Okay, but I want to learn about you then. If we're going to spend hours at a time with one another, I'd like to know you better. Because all I know is you're a cattish drug addict with a touch of alcoholism and has an obsession with cats."

She rolls her eyes audibly, trying her best. "Fine but I get to ask stuff about you too. So, what do you want to know?"

"What made you start the drugs?" It's a blunt question but I have to know.

"I don't-we talked about the drug thing. If you're going to ask questions, they have to be about me. Not the oxy."

Part of me knew she wouldn't answer it but I had to try. I'm not sure why she's so closed off about it. "Where did you grow up then?" I decide to ask a simple question to start. Hopefully, she'll open up more later.

"You can just Google that stuff you know."

"Fine. What have you been doing since the release of Lover? To my knowledge, it's the last album you put out."

"I mean, at first I was doing stuff like interviews and performances. Then oxy happened and I've just been slacking off since. So to answer your question, nothing." Taylor answers before going into a small coughing fit. "The piano, you're quite miraculous. I've never heard anything like it from a songwriter. Where did you learn to play like that?"

"My grandfather was a composer. My parents started to teach me piano the second I could sit up straight. I'm always told my talent is one of a kind. There's something special to it that can't be replicated. It's envied." Taylor gives me a look that tells me she's not satisfied with the answer. What does she want me to do, lie to her, and give her a better one? "Who were you dating when you made Lover? All of it is love songs. Who were you in love with?"

"Taylor Lautner. He was one of the only men I've dated who treated me well and I fucked it up. I really thought we were going to be together forever. Apparently, three years was the max." She rips out a piece of notebook paper and starts to fold a paper airplane. It's like she's trying to act like she doesn't care by doing something else.

"What about London Boy?"

"That's about an old friend and her husband. She cut me out of her life a couple years back. Speaking of marriage, why'd you cheat on your wife?" She takes the paper airplane and throws it across the studio. She's really shitty at making paper airplanes because it only goes about five feet.

"Can I have a different question?" I plead.

"No. I've been cheated on and kicked around by men enough to know they do it because of selfish reasons. If you're going to say I'm cattish, I want your explanation for why you cheated."

"It just wasn't working out and-and instead of telling her what I wanted..." I scratch the back of my head and start to shut down. I begin to try and deflect. Unfortunately, Taylor is much better at it.

"Try again."

"I'm not ready to talk about that one. It's really complicated. But I was an asshole and I shouldn't have done it. I regret it. Can we leave it at that?"

"Fine." She sighs with an eye roll.

"Why do you push people away?"

"Why are your questions so personal? Why can't they be like what's your favorite pizza topping?" She complains.

"You said I could Google those. Plus, I want to actually know you. So tell me, why do you do it?"

"I guess I push people away before they realize that I'm an awful person."

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