Chapter 8

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"Max when is the next visiting day." Eric asked as he phased up and down in Max's office cleansing and uncleansing his fists. Thinking back to what happened a few hours ago.

"I promise you babydoll but I don't know exactly what I'll be protecting you from." Eric said as he wrapped his arms tighter around her waist.

"My father he abuses me and the day I left he said that he'll take me as he haven't taken a woman since my mother passed away when i was a baby." Rose said clinging to Eric when she heard him growl causing her to moan.

"I'll kill him if he thinks he can touch you." Eric growled out gripping Rose tighter while thinking of ways to murder her father if he tries to touch his mate. 


"In a month I think after the initiation is done why." Max asked worried about what Eric is going to do.

"Rose will stay by my side the entire time or else I will not be responsible for what I'm going to do that day." Eric growled out trying to keep his hunter side from taking over.

"Why." Max asked scared but not for him for everyone else as he looked closely at Eric he saw that his eyes are shifting between black and blue.

"Because if i see that piece of a worthless father of Rose than I will not be responsible for killing him." Eric growled out as his hunter side took over.

"Eric calm down please you are going to scare Rose when she wakes up and see you like this." Max said worried as he glance at the sleeping girl on the couch.

"Max how can I calm down when my mate has been abused by her own father." Eric whisper shout at Max as he walked over to Rose.

"Eric I know it's hard but think of her and what it'll do to her when she sees you like this." Max said as he walked back towards his chair behind his desk.

"Stage two is starting tomorrow how will she pass unnoticed by erudite." Eric asked worried as he lifted her up and placed her on his lap so that she can sleep better.

"Eric I know her she'll be fine plus I trained her for this because I knew that she'll transfer over to dauntless to get away from her father." Max said looking at them with a smile on his face.

"I know Max but I'm actually scared for her I just found her I don't want to lose her." Eric said as he played with Rose's hair.

"You won't lose her Eric trust me on this she'll be fine with stage two now get her to bed it's half past one in the morning and both of you have to get up tomorrow morning early." Max pointed out while raising one of his eyebrows causing Eric to chuckle. Picking Rose up into his arms he stood up.

"Fine goodnight Max." Eric said as he made his way out of the door. Walking down towards the initiates room he looked down towards Rose.  "I promise babygirl that no one will hurt you again as long as i live." Eric whispered as he placed her on her bed and tucked her in.

"Eric what are you doing here." Ashley whispered from her bed next to Rose causing Eric to turn towards her.

"She fell asleep on the way towards the compound so I brought her back." Eric whispered back towards her.

"Eric just promise me that you won't hurt her she has gone through hell and back at her old faction and I see her as a little sister so just know break her heart and I'll break your neck." Ashley said sweetly while smirking towards him causing Eric to gulp.

"You know cousin for a Erudite you are scary." Eric said walking towards her and kissing her on her head. "Now go to sleep." He added walking out towards his room to go shower and sleep.

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