Chapter 7

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As they made their way to the barn house Eric's team had a similar plan except they only divided into two groups. Group one guard the flag and group two scout for the enemy flag.

"Someone has to go warn the others." James whispered as they hid behind one of the broken cars. As they looked over it they saw Eric guarding the flag on the second floor of the barn house.

"Mia go back and warn Four. Alex come with me the rest create a diversion we will get the flag." Rose said to her group splitting up they headed their different ways.

"Rose how will we get past Eric." Alex asked as they made their way around the barn towards the  back.

"I'll handle Eric you get the flag." Rose said as they climbed up the side. As they got up Rose pointed towards another room. "Wait in there until you hear me and Eric talking." Rose whispered to Alex.

"Are you sure I've heard things about Eric saying that he is a hunter." Alex said causing Rose to freeze. Shaking her head she nods towards the other room.

"You know sir for someone who is a leader you are not aware of your surroundings." Rose said as she walked towards Eric causing him to spin around pointing the dart gun towards her.

"Babygirl." Eric said. "What are you doing here." He asked as he walked up to her causing her to walk backwards into the previous room.

"Just wanting to know who else is in the house guarding the flag." Rose asked tilting her head to the side biting her lip.

"Just me and I told you not to do that." Eric growled out jumping towards her causing Rose to jump out of the way.

"Go Alex take the flag to the others." Rose shouted as Eric tackled her to the ground.

"You tricked me." Eric said looking down at her. "Now what will i do to you." Eric asked her as he leaned down stopping centimeters away from her lips.

"I don't know." Rose said breathless as she glances down towards his lips.

"Well we are alone so." Eric said standing up and pulling her up. "Now you can tell me what your test results was." Eric said seriously causing Rose to freeze.

"Like i said it was dauntless." Rise said trying to pull away from him.

"No you and i both know that it wasn't dauntless so tell me my little divergent am i lying." Eric asked gripping Rose a little tighter causing Rose to panic and try to escape his hold.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Rose said with fear as she's struggling to get away from Eric.

"DON'T LIE TO ME ROSE." Eric roared out turning them around and pushing her up against the wall causing her to whimper as tears began to fall from her eyes.

"I'm sorry sir. P-please I w-won't do it again." Rose sobbed out as her mind goes to away and she only sees her father in front of her ready to hit her with his belt. Causing Eric to stop and look at her seeing the fear in her eyes he pulled her into his arms.

"Rose baby." Eric whisper as he gently sat on the ground with her in his arms. "Come on babygirl come back to me I won't hurt you." Eric said holding her tighter.

"E-Eric." Rose whimpered out holding him tighter as she sobbed out.

"It's okay little mate I won't hurt you I'll protect you from everyone." Eric groaned out as Rose shifted on his lap turning around and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Please don't let my father get me he'll kill me." Rose said looking up into Eric's eyes.

Eric Coulter's little mateWhere stories live. Discover now