f o u r t e e n

25 1 1

"but when I wake up I see, You with me"

"but when I wake up I see, You with me"

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'the delinquents. I cannot stand them. that girl, she told me cases like this are becoming common. COMMON and we just saw how bad it is, I cant...I cant live with the fact that delinquents ruined my life. OUR life and we did nothing and today I saw them almost ruining one more. I don't think I will be able to live peacefully. I don't know how many lives are ruined but what I know that no one deserved it. nii-san...what should I do. I feel lost. I-' my voice broke and I broke our eye contact, I haven't felt this rage for so long, It feels like my body is on fire.

"you wanna stop them. will that give you your peace?" Big brother said now looking serious then ever. I understood what he meant by that. I looked at him again and said 'yes. that is the only thing that will put me to peace.' I said

he smirked. "alright. lets stop them." thats right. big brother never said no to me. I grinned at him. "all tho we gotta settle some things."

we were now sitting in his room

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we were now sitting in his room.

"so...whats your plan?" he said smiling like an idiot.


"n-now come on. you do the thinking, I will help to derive it. I mean do you really want me to think about something important like this. you know me-" I cut him off middle way. thats right, my brother is an idiot.

'no never mind. I do have some things in my mind'

"go on." he said now listening to me seriously.

'You know if we need to end anything we have to get inside it ourself. That means we might need to do some delinquents activities ourself BUT we will make sure that no normal person gets involved' I stopped and took a deep breath 'firstly we have to keep our identity a secret. no one should know about us. because...I don't want people to know, and if I keep my identity a secret then so will you I hope you-' I looked at big brother to see him eyes shining like a puppy

he started speaking "this is gonna be so cool. we are gonna be like super heroes! lets leave some mark or something too just like batman-"

'no' I said, just as he was going to protest I glared at him.

"awwww...." he said sulking

'now don't speak before I finish. we will need some clothes we can wear when we do our job. and well I know exactly how we can stop those piece of shits.' I said smiling

big brother spoke up "you know Naya-chan you look really evil-"

but I cut him off 'SHUT UP'

"yes mam"

'as that girl said mostly small gangs who mostly consist of high schoolers are the one who are doing illegal activities to become a bigger Gang. we will go and finish one gang and then take them under our control, after today you also must have realised that these people are nothing more then big talks' big brother nodded as I said that. 'I am pretty sure I can defeat like 10 people like those at a same time so it won't be that hard for both of us to defeat 20-30 people together after that we will take them under us and then fight a bigger gang and then take those under and the cycle will continue and then-' big brother suddenly cut me off

"yeah yeah now I get it. you can breath now" and he then layed on his bed "now you can leave I am gonna sleep."

'huuuuuuhhhh? I wasn't finish-'

"don't care. please get out, also I will get the outfits. bye goodnight"

why is this man like this? I was in a great mood and not only did he cut me off he's even kicking me out. I huffed and then said 'you are the biggest jerk in the world I hope you know that' and left his room him and his bipolar ass

I couldn't stay angry with my brother for too long, no matter how big of a jerk he was, he always stayed by my side and did everything he could for me, I really love him. I smiled to myself, I wonder which type of outfit he will come up with. all tho I wanted to choose our outfit I know he will choose a better one cause my style is more of a vintage elegant one but he usually goes with the street style and it suits him too. I know he won't mess this up.

I wonder if things will go well....are we doing the right thing? I don't plan on telling this to Hiro-chan. Cause I don't think that he will like this idea, I do feel bad but there is no going back, this is the only way I will have my peace.

you are girl and not strong at all. you shouldn't mess with strong people. I remember that boy said this to me that day...I will never admit it but I remember everything he said that day. I remember his clothes, the way he held my hands. the warmness of them I remember everything. I lightly chuckled to myself, now if I think about it those words kinda piss me off...I mean well I was weak that time...I wonder what he might be doing, and how would he react if he finds out that the weak girl he once saved and said she will not always be protected, protected someone today. all tho he probably doesn't remember me

do you like him that much naya-chan? goddammit why did I remember this now...I feel really embarrassed by the way I acted in front of big brother. I could feel my face getting hotter, I mean..I definitely don't like LIKE him but...if I might have known him longer maybe just maybe, I might have fallen in love with him.

Author's note:

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Author's note:

Hi I'm back :D

What do you guys think about the sudden confession nayaka had with herself ngl Im in love

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.
Love y'all<3

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