Enter Zoro Pirate Hunter

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A/N: I didn't mention it, but the story will follow both the Anime and Manga. I know that the anime is basically the manga, but there's some changes like when Luffy met Koby on Alvida's ship while in the manga it as on an island, or even when the Marines are called Navy in the manga. So, i just wanted to prevent you that I'll alternate between manga and anime. For now it's the manga.

Thank you!

No One POV

"A demonic beast, huh?"

Luffy, Y/n and Koby were still on the boat, heading towards the Navy base for both recruiting Zoro, and for Koby to enter the Navy.

And during the route, Luffy take advantage of the situation to ask questions about Zoro.

"Roronoa Zoro is his real name but they call him "Zoro the Pirate Hunter". He's like a bloodthirsty hound roaming the seas, hunting men for the bounties on their heads! They say he's a demon in human form."

Y/n listens carefully and can't help but be intrigued with this Pirate Hunter. How Alvida was trying to look confident but shaking a little, and now how Koby described him, Y/n couldn't help but be curious and eager to meet him.

Luffy hums, not impressed and just look at Koby who waves his hands, "He's a pirate hunter! Pirate hunters don't mix well with pirates!"

"I haven't decided whether I'll invite him to join my crew or not. If he's a good guy, then I'll--"

"He's in prison because he's not a good guy!"

Y/n looks up, "So, you believe that pirates are bad, and the Navy's soldiers are good? Well, that's one way to see things, but, what if it was the opposite? How would you react? Do you really think all pirates are bad? And all the Navy soldiers are good?"

Y/n's words clicked in Koby's mind. Maybe he was really right, not all pirates are bad. Luffy and Y/n have been kind with him, despite being pirates like the Alvida's pirates.

But they persist in telling themselves that Zoro is a bad guy.

Or at least...

He's trying.


"We're finally here! We made it to the Navy base town!"

With Koby's help, the little group made it to a town with a Navy base at the center of the town. But something wasn't right, and it appears that only Y/n sense it.

"Koby, you're amazing!"

"Huh?" Koby was confused and Luffy turns to him, "You actually got us to our destination!"

"Of course I did! That's the minimum requirement for people who sail the seas." The pink haired boy explained and it's hurt Y/n a little.

He laughs nervously, "You're right. If we keep randomly floating around, we'll never become a pirate. So we should at least find a navigator for our crew. Right Luffy?"

The strawhat boy just nodded with a smile, "Yeah! That's what we'll do! Now, let's eat!"

It's made Y/n laughs a little. He doesn't know if Luffy even heard him. But he has to agree, he was hungry too, an apple wasn't enough.


The three of them were in small restaurant and finished eating. It was a relief that Y/n has money on him, otherwise they wouldn't even ate. With Koby being on a pirate ship, abused and with no money, and Luffy who didn't even worked back on their village, Y/n saved the day.

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