'Paper Thin' (STRIS)

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[A/N: hi! I had an idea for a Stris OS that popped into my head this morning so I literally smashed this out in an hour on my lunch break 😂 enjoy!
- Kate ❤️ ]


It had been a slow morning on his day off, and Street had headed over to see if Chris needed any help at the house. A drizzle had started falling and he hoped it wouldn't become heavier until he had reached his destination. A down side to having a motorbike as your only mode of transportation is when the weather turned unexpectedly, he thought.

Last night he and Chris had co-signed a lease for a new apartment as they had decided to move in together. They were gonna have their own space, no more choosing where to split their time spent. They could come home at the end of the day and find each other.

Street let himself into the safe house, finding Olivia sitting alone on the couch reading a novel. Olivia was one of Chris' most recent arrivals and was still warming up to the other girls who stayed in the house.

He nodded his head with a smile and shrugged off his slightly damp jacket, "Morning Olivia! Have you seen Chris?".

Olivia who had already been eyeing him as he walked in the door said, "in office", attempting her answer in English, and pointed to the hallway.

He formed a smile again, "thank you".

He began to make his way down the carpeted hall, finding the last door on the right and knocked lightly.

He heard a muffled answer from behind the door, "Come in".

Street opened the door and poked his head around while he still stood behind it.

"Hey babe, you busy?" he eyed Chris who sat at the small desk on the far wall, laptop opened in front of her as she typed.

Chris turned in her chair and looked over her shoulder, her concentrated expression eased and she grinned, "Hey, I didn't know you were coming".

He then slipped into the room and closed the door behind him.

"I wanted to surprise you", he said and took the couple of steps toward her in the small bedroom, leant down and kissed her.

"Mmm", she answered, stealing another kiss from her boyfriend, "as much as I hate surprises, I don't mind yours".

He chuckled lightly against her mouth and he stood back up, his hands finding her shoulders and massaging small circles as she turned back toward the desk.

"I'm working on a resumè template so I can help the girls fill it out and they can begin to find some jobs", she sighed, scrolling through the document on her screen, some tension released from Street's kneading of her shoulders.

Street could feel a shiver run through Chris' body as she pushed her laptop away and she slowly sunk back into her seat.

"You wanna take a quick break?", he lowered his head and placed a gentle kiss on her neck, then another at the edge of the collar of her t-shirt.

Chris' head dipped to the side involuntarily as he continued his caress, her eyes closing as she relished the contact.

"Depends what happens on the break?", she asked sensuously, her eyes still closed.

Street moved to the side of her chair, rolling it backwards away from the desk. He grabbed her hands and pulled her up to stand against him, her chest pressed to his.

She raised an eyebrow at his sudden movements, loving the way the rise and fall of his chest quickened as he playfully gazed into her eyes.

Street took her hands he still held and raised them, placing them to rest on the back of his neck, her fingers ran through the hairline there, their foreheads meeting in the middle.

She then moved forward to meet his lips, his tongue immediately finding hers. The faint taste of coffee danced across her taste buds.

Street's hands snaked their way around her waist, pulling her even closer as she deepened their kiss.

The thought of waking up to this man every day forced its way into her whole being and she became overwhelmed with her love for him.

Chris retracted her lips but kept her body close to his.

"I can't wait until we move", she rushed out breathlessly.

Street smiled lovingly at her, he was excited too.

The two of them had been official for over a year now, and it took them five years and a bunch of hurdles to get to even that point, so to be able to take the next step in their relationship and make this decision together and without hesitation, sent his heart beating in overdrive.

"Me too. Because then..." he began to say, suddenly changing their positions so her back was facing the desk, then lifting Chris from her hips to sit on the edge of the desk.

Chris let out a surprised laugh as she adjusted to her new position.

Street grinned again and continued his explanation, "We can do this whenever and wherever we want in our new home", then he pushed himself between her legs and traced his lips across her jaw and down to her neck.

She softly whimpered at his touch, he nipped at the pulse point at the top of her neck.
The words 'our home' kept ricocheting through her head. She was so happy.

"Ye-yes", she stammered as he continued, "and we won't have to worry about anyone possibly hearing", she blew out a breathless laugh, still completely enamoured by his warm exploration.

"But until then, like right now, we do have to worry", she pointed out and cupped his face to pause his fun and make him meet her eyes, a smirk plastered on his lips.

"I'd really like to take this 'break' right now, but it will have to wait until later", she added and pursed her lips in a frustrated frown.

He chuckled again and shook his head, a memory pushed its way to the front of his mind.

"What?", she smiled at his laughter, mesmerised by his dimples popping out of his cheeks.

His hands caressed her back, and he brought up the reason he couldn't help but laugh.

"You know, Luca told me yesterday morning that he wears earplugs at home", he told her and raised his eyebrows with slight embarrassment, the same look he'd thrown at Luca when he made the comment to him. Another laugh escaped from his mouth.

"What, why?", she scoffed, not immediately understanding his hint.

"He said the walls are paper thin....", Street started.

Chris inhaled sharply and then brought her hands to her face, covering the rising blush and rubbing her eyes.

Street reached around her shoulders bringing her into his chest and he continued laughing as she cried out with embarrassment, "Oh my god, stop!", her voice muffled against him.

Street brought his mouth to her ear and said "Actually, I believe you would have said 'Oh my god, DON'T stop'".

Chris leant back and pushed his chest playfully, "Jim!", she scolded him and laughed along with him.

"But seriously though, you should come over later, Luca said he is going out tonight", he informed her, the heated atmosphere returned.

Her fingers traced his dimples, as her eyes were drawn back to them, "Okay..as long as you help me finish patching the fence out back before the storm hits, I'll make sure you get some well deserved loving tonight", she grinned.

"Deal", he agreed as he grabbed her hips and lowered her feet back to the floor.

"I am at your service..", he winked and stole one last kiss before she returned to her seat.


[thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!
- Kate ❤️ ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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