Post 5x05 conversation

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A/N: here's a one shot set directly after 5x05, (obviously we know what happens in 5x06 and Stris with the funeral stuff) but just had an idea and needed to write it out about Street being the "professional" one and shutting Chris down if it turns personal (Late Season 2/Early season 3 parallels/references).
Enjoy! 🙌🏼💜
- Kate 💜


The day was coming to an end, with Nichols' wife being apprehended after 20 Squad realised she was the mastermind behind the whole Swatting and kidnapping debacle.

To add another level of crazy to their day, Deacon and Luca had brought to the teams attention the true reason behind Sanchez being chosen as 20- David.

Chris had been changing into her civvies when she grimaced at a pinch in her shoulder. Lifting her hand to place on the soreness, her mind raced back to the possible cause - jumping over  the bench to chase and take down Nichols' wife.

Street and Tan then entered the locker room after their paperwork debrief, chatting away about how crazy Nichols' situation was and she caught the end of Tan's comment, "not that I'd ever do something like that to Bonnie, but I don't think she would go to that extreme to get back at me", he laughed, both moving to their own lockers.

Chris then moved to lean against the sink, and finished tidying up her hair in the mirror.  The grimace from her pain still evident on her face. 

"You alright, Chris? You seem a little quiet", Tan's voice carried over to her.

She turned her body toward them then returned her eyes back to the mirror, avoiding looking at Street right now, she couldn't handle the coldness he had been throwing her way all day, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just..uh..I think I did something to my shoulder. It'll heal."

Tan joked, "was it from that badass jump you made to catch Nichols' wife? Did you see that man?", he said, turning to Street and clapping his hand on his shoulder.

Street nodded, with a barely there smile, "yeah", his head still focused on the contents of his locker.

Tan's eyebrows screwed up in a moment of confusion, but he covered it within an instant. He thought to himself to ask Street about that later. He felt a sudden tension filling this locker room, that didn't seem to be an issue before they entered.

Having already changed into his civvies before his debrief, Tan grabbed his backpack and announced his exit to his two teammates, "I'll see you all bright and early tomorrow".

Chris' eyes followed Tan through the mirror as he made his way out the door, and she placed her body weight onto her hands against the sink, a heavy audible sigh released from her chest, her head hung low.

She could hear Street still silently gathering his gear in his locker, each second passing, the silence cutting into her deeper.

From her stance against the sink, she muttered  "so we're just strictly professional now?".

"I did what you asked Chris, i didn't break any rules. Now you're mad at me?"

"There's no rules against being friends", she suggests.

"It can't be like that, Chris. Remember, those were your words, right?".

His recalling of their conversation after their first kiss felt like a punch to her gut. She knows she hurt him by cutting him off like that back then. She wished she could take it all back. Is that what he was trying to do with her now?

"We're just team mates", he added with a heartbroken scoff.

Chris' took a sharp inhale and removed herself from the sink and made her way back toward their lockers.

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