"You did that"

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[A/N: HI EVERYONE! Enjoy this little idea I had, and yep I promised I would post it for my birthday so here you go!! 🥳🎂
- Kate 💜]


20-David had encountered a long, negotiation intervention that afternoon regarding an angered father wanting custody of his children, threatening his and his children's lives in the process. 

The situation had drained the team's energy, by the time they returned to HQ, the team were ready to return home for their scheduled weekend off.

"After today, all I want to do is get home to see my family", Deacon sighed as he closed his locker and hung his backpack over his shoulder.

Chris leant back from her own locker to face Deacon as he walked toward the locker room door.

"I don't blame you, Deac. Hey, tell Lila I said happy birthday and I'll see her Sunday!".

Deac gave a tight-lipped smile and nodded his head, remembering his responsibilities that awaited him at home, making sure his house was ready for his daughters birthday party.

"Thanks guys, I hope to see you all there?", he requested, pointing toward the rest of his teammates, "bring your swimsuits, Lila wants it to be a pool party".

A chorus of agreements came from the remainder of the team, also collecting their belongings to depart, as Deac left the room.

"You all did your best today, remember that. I'll see you all Sunday", Hondo stated, exiting the door.

Street had remained quiet since they returned from the intervention.

Luca grabbed his bag from his locker and shut it, then leant over toward where Street was seated on the bench and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm heading to my brothers right now, but I'll catch you at home, bro?", Luca asked, noticing Street's closed off demeanour.

Street looked to Luca, as he began to tie his laces, and nodded his head as Luca left.

Tan had noticed the days impact on Street, it had affected all of them but they needed to keep their heads up, the case is over, they can't focus on it anymore.

"Hey dude, I'm down for shooting some hoops before the party Sunday if you are?", Tan suggested to Street, attempting to lift his mood.

Street gave him a small smile, acknowledging his attempt, "sure, man, I'll let you know on the day".

At the sound of the locker room door closing behind Tan, Chris closed her own locker and leant against it, her head tilted and taking in Street's position on the bench.

She pursed her lips in contemplation, as Street finished tying his boots and leant his elbows on his thighs. Now was a good time, she decided.

"Hey", she said, taking herself over to sit on the bench beside him, straddling the seat, legs either side.

As she made contact with the bench, he looked toward her, past his shoulder as his head hung slightly.

"Hey", Street managed back, the usual brightness of his eyes, dimmed.

"It was a big day, huh?", Chris exhaled, intertwining her fingers together in front of herself.

Street ran his tongue across his bottom lip, in nervousness, knowing no matter what he would end up opening up to her. He couldn't help it. They were each other's person, no matter how much they would try to deny it.

She was the only person he trusted enough to let see that side of him. His true vulnerability. He knew Chris felt the same way about him too.

Considering his hesitation and the sadness that seemed to be radiating from him, Chris tried to encourage him to let her in.

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