'Priorities' - [Part 1]

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[A/N: Hey, this will be a two part OS! Prepare for angst! Enjoy! 🔥
- Kate 💜 ]


"Wait...where are the screws for these pieces?", Chris looked up toward Luca who stood a few feet away, holding the pamphlet of instructions to the new outdoor seating he had recently purchased.

Luca had finally decided to upgrade from the rickety picnic tables that sat in their yard, and found a brand new table and chair outdoor dining set to fit the ever growing family that was 20-Squad. Luca really missed having the team come around and spend time together, he wanted to be able to cater for everyone.

20 Squad was his family and for the last year or two it felt like everyone had been too busy to hang out anymore.

Luca had asked Chris to help himself and Street to assemble the new set, seeing as she seemed to have a better understanding of how to actually build things thanks to her Uncle. It was also to try and spend some time with her as she seemed to have used a lot of her spare time helping out at Mama Pina's and they barely saw her other than at work these days.

Chris still didn't believe the two were highly skilled SWAT officers and couldn't work out how to put together a pretty simple dining set. She believed they just wanted to make the load lighter by using her expertise and an extra set of hands. Chris had agreed, even with her recently busy schedule, if they promised to provide some dinner and beers once they were finished.

"Aren't they the same as these ones?", Street asked across the pavement, attempting to place together a chair base to its legs, holding up some smaller screws in his palm.

"No, the table has larger ones, but I can't see them anywhere here", Chris said slightly annoyed by the missing screws, taking a second glance at the ground around her.

Street nodded and went back to putting together his chair.

"Oh, well uh, when I transported the set from the store one of the boxes had been open slightly, and some parts had fallen into the bed of my truck, let me go and check if they're in there", Luca stated, placing the instructions down next to where Chris was seated and made a beeline for the gate leading out to the front of their place.

Chris huffed at the situation in front of her, realising this was going to take longer than she thought.

Street raised his head from his task and looked over to her, "it's not that bad, is it?", he asked raising his eyebrows at her attitude.

He knew she had been more stressed than normal lately with taking on new tasks for Mama Pina and her girls and volunteering for a new K9 training initiative, but he could tell something had been bothering her since she arrived at their place and he was hoping she would open up and talk to him about it. It had been a little while since they last truly talked to each other, these days it felt like she didn't have time for the team at all. What hurt the most was that it felt like she didn't have time for him. He really needed to talk to her. So much for finding a solution, right?

Chris looked over to him now, rolling her eyes with a smirk, "I don't know...I can think of at least ten things I could be doing instead right now...", then looked back down to the scattered pieces in front of her.

Street kept his gaze on her noticing the smirk she attempted faltered, as her mind must have been racing with the pile of tasks she was currently weighed down with.

He hesitated a moment, then spoke again, "you seem to be taking on a lot lately... do you ever get any down time for yourself?".

She focused on the table legs lined up in front of her, reaching out to straighten the last one so they were neatly stacked together.

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