No Longer A Forger. (02)

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"Yor, I'm here my hard-working sister! I'm so sorry about what happened. But I will be honest and say. That I'm honored to not have to see his face anymore— Anyways, you're okay right?"

Yuri came barging in the apartment, immediately giving Yor a comforting hug. He could not believe that, that jerk had the audacity to shatter his sweet sisters heart. Yuri wanted to kill him.

They divorced? Well, Yuri was already praying for their downfall. But not to the point where it messed up his sister in a bad way.

"N-no, Yuri I'm alright actually, it was the decision after all. I agreed to it. Besides, I never really liked him in the end."

Yor causally would say, realizing how she sounded. She sounded angry, angry at the fact that Loid— That Twilight— That Loid, that 'He' had been in the right and not in the wrong to end things like they should have in a fake-pretend marriage.

"I see, well sister! I'm glad that we get to be together like the old times! I just hope you're okay, you can tell me anything you know? I hate seeing you upset. Anyways, I'm a little exhausted from my job, I'll be asleep!"

Yuri responded sounding rather excited to go to bed, he would gently embrace her as if he felt her pain. He was trying his best to cheer his sister up, with that fake happy tone voice of his.

Yor could not help but squeeze into the hug feeling as if she needed that embrace from someone close to her. "Goodnight Yor." Yuri softly would say before smiling and drifting off to his bedroom.

"Goodnight Yuri..." Yor faintly said back before looking back at the check, she would set it off to the side.

"I wonder what he's doing right now. I wonder how Anya is.. How I miss spending time with Anya! Taking her to her Academy!.. reading her a bedtime story! Always buying her her favorite peanuts!... A-and."

Yor had not realized how much she was talking, she did not realize how much she truly missed them already.

She could not help but gently hug herself. Trying to calm herself down. Thinking inside her head that It was just a movie, a happy movie that she needed to restart over and over and over preventing it from reaching its true ending, the bad ending.

Yor stayed up the rest of night as Yuri slept completely snoring really loud. She could not stop thinking about what had happened between her and Twilight. She still could not believe that it was really over.

She missed the feeling of home. She missed the feeling of being there, making Anya her favorite hot chocolate and earning a small smile from her fake husband.

Yor eventually fell asleep with her head laying down on the table, when she woke up, she looked around, her eyes searching for Yuri.

He had left for work already, which means she had to work as well, she had forgotten, she had no energy and motivation but she had to, in order to live and to keep supporting her younger brother.

This would just be as if she had never met Loid and Twilight, Anya too.

She quickly took a shower, changed into her usual light teal work uniform before making her way down to City Hall.

"Hey, Camilla, apparently Yor got divorced with her so called husband. What a pity right?!"

The girls would whisper, thinking Yor could not hear them at all. Yor would just quietly do her job, but strangely it wasn't Camilla doing the bullying. It was her friends Millie and Sharon most likely Millie.

"Haha, so funny. Look, we honestly don't know what happened between them. But you know you'd be heartbroken as much as her. So, shut it Millie."

Camilla responded rather harshly at Millie's careless comment. And as Camila looked over at Yor she could see Yor's eyes widen, Camilla had defended her. But why exactly?

"Huh. You're always the one being rude to her, now you're acting like her friend? Wow, Camilla. Anyways I'm going to go have a smoke."

Sharon commented as well, giving a side glance at Camilla and then her eyes drifting off to see Yor. Before leaving outside.

Yor was standing their silently ignoring the chaos and everything, pouring coffee onto a mug.

Yor was rather busy doing her job, she had no time and patience to hear the girls gossip around her.
Although she was still questioning why Camilla took her time in defending her the way she did.

She looked over feeling a sudden tap on her shoulder, It was Camilla.

"Hey, remember when I helped with cooking? How's that going?" Camilla said, she was trying to find a way in order to distract Yor from the gossiping she had just heard.

But Camilla was also trying to distract her from the hardships she had gone through after her "Divorce".

"It's been going well, I guess. I won't probably need t-the help anymore though. Thank you for asking, Camilla.."

Yor responded to her question, she thought to herself that it was an odd question.
Camilla would then just sigh, looking closely at Yor and intensely into her eyes, this freaked Yor out quite a bit.

"You're not okay, you know that right? Here, let's go our hours are over anyways. We need to talk."

Is what Camilla said before grabbing Yor's coat and her own, walking out the building and looking outside. They looked outside seeing that the sky had been a little dark and cloudy.

"Looks like it wants to rain." Yor calmy said, the weather seemed to match her mood right now, she felt like that inside, probably even worser than just light rain.

"It does, doesn't it? Let's stop by a bar! We need to talk about that Man, don't worry, Not lots of people will be there besides.. Dominic gave me his wallet."

Camilla made a small smirk sounding proud of herself. She figured Yor needed something or someone to talk to. Someone who was a woman just like her.

"I-I guess a drink, wouldn't hurt right now.." Yor nodded, her voice sounding as if it was mentally drained.

She did not really feel like going out or going into a bar, she just wanted to go home, home with her family, With Loid and Anya.

"Let's go then. Come on, Yor catch up!" Camilla shouted out watching how slow Yor had been walking, Yor sighed before walking faster enough to catch up with Camilla, she felt as if she was losing herself and she didn't want to feel this way over a man.

She can't go on like this, she can't behave this way, she's gone through so much, this shouldn't be the last thing that truly effects her and brings her down.

They then got into the bar, taking a seat on the tall elegant stools. Camilla would ask for the drinks, the bartender would smile and nod politely before looking at the two women, his eyes focusing more on Yor rather then Camilla.

"Here you go." The bartender said softly, placing down both of the women's glass cups down onto the table, it was Vodka.

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