Eye lost

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Gautama's pov

Maya wasn't seeing me she didn't want to talk to me. It had been a month and these ass holes have not mentioned nothing. Who do they plan on putting against me. They better chose wisely because my last bit of patience is coming to an end. "I need to see her I demand to Zeus" I said. "She's not receiving visitors Rai she wants to be alone for now" he claimed. "What did you guys do to her is she even alive" I say to him. "She's well and accompanied by Belzebu she's doing much better" he says to me. "You know I will kill anyone that dares hurt her you know that Zeus" I say seriously. "You're battle is in 2 weeks do not pester the young lady" he said. I needed to know what happened why was she refusing to see me. I know they brainwashed her already she must still be afraid. I catch a glimpse of Belzebu and speed toward him. "What did you tell her you idiot" I ask angrily. "You should learn to shut your moth while at the training palace" he says smirking. "Cut the crap you piece of shit what did you say to her" I respond mad. "She heard you with her own ears something about you using her and how annoying and weak she is" he explained. "Are you fucken stupid I wasn't talking about her you imbecile" I shout at him furious. I need to see her right now you stupid fly boy" I shout at him. "Mayi doesn't want squat with you Buddha she's leaving back home" he claimed. I had to find a way to go to her and explain this misunderstanding. I know once she hears what happens she'll come to me. "You're up Rai it's your divine punishment for your almost betrayal" says Odín. I make my way to the battle field only to find out that I'm fighting zerofuku the demon of misery. The fight begins very strange and our comes his second form until he's to his final form I feel in the brink of death. Knowing that Mayida left and didn't say bye was breaking me more. These hits I was receiving were merely to remind me of how painful it was to be alive still with out my beautiful. I wasn't paying much attention to the fight was managing a couple hits here and there but only her voice in my head her cries were loud and clear. This whole thing was going to finish here and now but my opponent thought otherwise when he nearly drilled my eye out. I became weary of my balance and I tried to keep going I looked around for Maya once more and my opponent was not liking the idea of me ignoring him. I couldn't see his moves because there was only darkness in his soul. Hajun was his name he was certain of my death but I had another thing coming for him. His puberty was not yet developed to his last form. How did they manage to get this thing here at this time. Was he not dead just centuries ago these bastards got me good this time. But the more I brought up his puberty this idiot was afraid of his very being. He couldn't love himself pity. But I think this fight is going to far from over. As I see him getting more and more fearful I take advantage of it. To be able to see that light in his soul to avoid the rest of his hits. He manages to break my staff that darn bastard. Someone should have let 'em know not bring himself to his deathbed. Odin all in fact we're surprised that this thing had not yet killed me I sensed Loki trying to leave several times. But he was far too mesmerized to look away from this battle. Once I'm done here I'm going to get my beautiful girl back. They laid a trap on her and she fell for it. She must be thinking I did all these horrible things she should have known that all this was to keep her by my side I couldn't have it any other way. "Gautama" I hear her scream at the top of her lungs.

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