Making and breaking

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Gautama's P.O.V.

As the weeks go by I have not run into Mayida after the last arguments. She's not one bit phased about dying she'll do anything to go back to earth she's crazier than any god here. "Hello Buddha so you're not training the human anymore"? Aphrodites asks. "I was not traing her just showing her some simple moves to achieve peace of mind and focus on her inner self" I responded. "If you wanted a woman to have fun with you could have just asked me; if I knew of anyone." She says. "I am not bedding her she's just a servant to the palace and that's all". I explain. "She is definitely popular here among the gods and humans here"she claims. "That's good see if they stop bothering her with the questions"I say to her. She just snickers. "Her and Belz have been far too close lately could there be a possible romance there?" She asks. "I don't see why not she's allowed to court who ever she sees grand, don't you believe so" I tell her. "Oh of course then with you being okay with it she surely will accept any of them; perhaps maybe all of them" she states. The door swings open and it's Maya behind her Shiva enters too. "If you want to talk shit do it in my presence Aphrodites"Maya says angrily. "Haha I am not sure what you mean by that"Aphrodites responds. I smirk at the responses Mayida gives her. "If you weren't so fucken busy trying to get into Gautama's clothes you'd have known; that Zeus is on his way" Mayida said. "Look here mortal I'm allowed to bed him and anyone I see fit what's it to ya huh"says Aphrodites annoyed. "I don't care either way but you two get a room this is the meditation room" says Maya. She doesn't even look my way she just stares at Aphrodites. "Ah tell us have you bed our dear Buddha huh" Shiva asked. "That's not yours nor this little girls business to know stay out of my bed friends"Aphrodites said. Mayida turns and walks away with out acknowledging me. I make my way out behind her and get a hold of her arm. "Let me go Siddartha Gautama" she said upset. "So you're going to be the goddess of the bugs"I ask her. "And why do you care"? She claimed. "Oh that's wonderful to know so you did forget your human race then" I say to her. "Say what you must but he doesn't waist my time with false promises" she said. "Is that so we'll make sure you invite the whole gang to your peculiar wedding"I say sarcastically. Aphrodites and Shiva burst out laughing as do I. She just walks away and doesn't look back at us. After the silly argument I had with Mayida I walk outside and notice a crowd waiting for Zeus I go past them no one has time see the old man either way. I then see Maya hand in hand with Bug Boy and I walk by them too. But she doesn't turn my way only he does and smiles at me. They go to the ball once and she's already in love with him he's so pathetic. Hope he doesn't distract her from our real purpose here. Raiden arrives tonight now that's a sight to see. I see Quin coming towards me. "Hey did you see Mayida holding hands with Belzebu?" He asked. "Yeah that was so cringy to see do you think he really likes her or he's just using her" I said. "Hmmm well who knows Rai but Mayida seems happy with him" says Quin. There's no time to waste if we have to kill bug boy to get him out of the way then it must be done I hope Mayida can understand why he needs to be removed from our real purpose of her being here. "Remember in the beginning when you told her to not fall in love with you and she just ended up falling in love with Belzebu" Quin claimed. I know it's nothing other then love they each have something the other one wants like Maya information for him and him something to help her get home it has to be one of those reasons.

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