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Gautama's P.O.V.

I see the light from the door of my room. Has she realized what's going on or her spirit is confused I need to go check up on her. "Are you okay mam?" I ask. "I'm dead right or tell me I'm wrong am I; wait your Buddha the one that reached enlightenment"she asks. " umm yes and yes and look you'll be okay I say to her. "wait where's Sally my friend and that guy he. She asked. "thanks for protecting me yet again mam." I say to her " my name is Mayida Tarver she says". I know you've heard of me I'm Siddartha Gautama and this is where I reside."I said. "Wait I protected you when where I really need to know what's going on" she was so persistent with the questions but I had to stop her there. "Rest up the questionare can wait I have places to attend to don't leave this room okay." I tell her.

Mayida's P.O.V.

What is he saying Wait I need to know more what happened to me and to my friend and that guy why am I in this place with Buddha and he's so serious out of no where what's his deal he needs to tell me. He leaves the room like there is not something more important what a jerk. I need to know I'll give him 10 minutes and I walk out the door and the hallway is empty there is no one in sight ; I get down the 2 flights of stairs and I bump in a guy. "I'm Quin Shi Huang who are you?". He ask me. "I just want to know how I got here but the only person that can answer that is far too busy to explain." I answer him. "Oh I get it you're Rai's next experiment hmm yeah figures." He responds. "Where is he huh I need to know." I ask. "He's in the back garden to your left; good luck ok" he says. I walk furious toward that garden I thought he had important things to do! But no he's sitting down on the grass eating candies! What is his dam problem?

Gautama's P.O.V.

Ahhh great this girl is doing exactly the opposite of what I said come on now what a pain in the ass. "Umm this was your important thing to attend to!" She shouts. "Keep your voice down I am right here don't need to be shouting!" I shout at her. "Why am I here you haven't answered?" "Look your friend is okay she's back home the crazy guys are okay too and the poor guy you were protecting was actually me in disguise" I say surprisingly. As she stares at me in disbelief I get up and get closer to her. She steps back still in shock. "What am I doing here Buddha?" She asks again. "I have an offer to make to you but it's a simple yes or no question" I said. "What is it then" she asked. "Are you willing to help me save humanity from their indefinite destruction" I said. Wait so it's true the gods are going to end humanity for good." She says. "Yeah and that's why I ask that you follow my teachings and help me save them" I answered. She stares intensely into space and lets out a sad sigh. "I can't my father will die of sadness" she claims. "You are not dead if that's what you're choosing you'd just go back and forget all this happened. "Buddha I uh it's just something so hard to do; my dad is all alone it was just the two of us" she said. "You can call me Gautama and I know your dad will be proud of what you're going to do." I say to her. She stares at me quiet and worried; her eyes get watery. "Mayida I know you always helped people out there you saved so many lives with your kind words and actions; from all the humans I encountered only you felt right to bring up here"I say to her. She began to cry and sobbing she falls to her knees. "What do I need to do then what will I learn"? She asks. "You have to reach enlightenment like I did be the next awaken one"I say. "But will I go back to earth or do I have to stay here"she asks.

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