Chapter 14: The Majestic 12

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I sat at the foot of my bed in the messy bedroom filled with other wild kids at what had become my ninth foster home. However, that evening I decided not to partake in any hijinks. I was busy opening up and reading a letter from my favorite talking chimp, Pogo. I was 10 years old at the time and had become accustomed to Pogo's and my letters. I ripped open the letter and began to read:

     "Buongiorno, Ms. Y/n,

     I understand that you've entered the fourth grade, remarkable. Learning your multiplication tables is quite a milestone and a valuable skill that will carry you throughout many tasks in your life; whether you're figuring out a price at the grocery store or mapping out probabilities, you're going to need it. Keep being a great student, academics are of great importance.

     How has your mental manipulation (or 'mind control', as you call it) been going? Last time I understand that you were using it on your foster siblings to make them do chores instead of you, which is an effective, but rather unethical way to practice your skills. I recommend practicing by performing subtle manipulations on those around you. For example, you could add more grass to the lawn in the mind of your foster brother.

     In the last letter, you asked me about Sir Reginald Hargreeves. He is a quiet and rather complicated man. However, he knows a fair amount about cultivating unique powers (such as the ones you possess) within children. I regret to inform you that there are no spots in his academy that you would be able to fill. Sir Hargreeves told me himself. I apologize.

     To keep up our tradition of giving each other new words from our native languages, I shall gift you with a beautiful English word. Whimsical is a word used to mean amusing in a fancy and magical way. I hope you use that word as much as possible, as I believe that it is quite a wonderful one.

     I hope you take my words to heart and keep cultivating the amazing wealth of knowledge you possess. If I could give you a hug, I would.



     I set down the letter. A mix of emotions swirled throughout me; I was happy that Pogo wrote to me and gave me great advice, but I was upset that Sir Reginald Hargreeves didn't want me. How could he not want me? I was perfect for his academy. It didn't make any sense.


      I was pulled out of my thoughts by the closing of a car door in the backseat. Vanya had left to go speak to Luther. Five and I were parked outside of a sketchy hostel where he had apparently been living; though I couldn't really judge, I had been living in Dallas's equivalent of skid row for the past few months.

      Five reached across the console and placed his hand on my thigh. I looked at him and lightly smiled. He gave me a puzzled look.

     "What's wrong?" Five asked.

     "Well," I replied with a sigh, "I'm sick of being in Dallas. I know we were decade-hopping for years, but going on an extended stay in a doomed city in which I am a high-profile drug dealer is not exactly ideal."

      "I get it. If only my family would get their asses in gear and get over their little side missions to help the world."

     "I feel like they should've learned by now. You were right last time, and dilly-dallying cost us everything," I paused for a moment, "However, I do understand that to your family members, particularly Vanya, it is hard to prioritize things like this when they haven't known about it for several decades."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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