Chapter 7: The Day That Was

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 The Hargreeves siblings, minus Vanya, all discussed potential options for what to do about Harold Jenkins. However, I couldn't focus on a single thing they were saying. I was too busy focusing on the intense pain in my side that was slowly getting worse.

"Let's get this bastard," Allison's words pulled me out of my trance.

"You had me at Gerald Jenkins," Diego remarked, beginning to walk off with Allison.

"Harold Jenkins," I corrected.

"Whatever. I've already lost two people this week, I'm not losing anyone else," Diego huffed. I hopped off the barstool I was sitting on and slightly winced. As the other siblings talked, Five pulled me aside.

"Are you okay?" Five asked with concern.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine," I lied. I instinctively tugged on the edge of my blazer. Five glanced down at my hands and was about to say something.

"Let's roll, I know where we can find this asshole," Diego announced.


Five, Diego, Allison, and I sat in a car as we pulled up to the local police station. Diego insisted that Harold Jenkins had to have a record, so the police station was our best bet. He also insisted on going in there to get the file himself, even though Five could just blink in and get it.

While Diego grabbed the file, Allison called Vanya on a nearby payphone. Five and I sat in the car, awaiting the arrival of his siblings. The pain in my side had started to die, and I thought everything was fine.

"What was that back in the academy?" Five questioned out of the blue.

"What do you mean?" I inquired, pretending to not know what he was talking about.

"I'm talking about the faces you were making and your constant blazer tugging."

"It was... just nerves, I guess."

"Nerves? I've seen you manipulate someone holding a gun to your head without breaking a sweat. Why the hell were you nervous?"

"Well... if we fail this, not only do we die, but everyone dies with us. The fate of the world is in our hands. It's a lot of pressure." That explanation wasn't entirely a lie. It was the reason why I was keeping my injury a secret. We were getting so close to stopping the apocalypse, and being treated in a hospital would only slow things down.

"Why were you wincing in pain, then?" Five questioned.

"All the time travel was giving me a headache," I lied. Five narrowed his eyes at me for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to believe me. He shrugged it off and glanced out the window, accepting my answer.

Allison came back to the car and sat down in the passenger seat. A few moments later, Diego arrived with the file in hand and passed it to Allison.

"You're welcome," Diego stated, searching for a thank you.

"Holy shit," Allison muttered as she looked at the file.

"What?" Five questioned.

"Harold Jenkins is Leonard Peabody," Allison responded, "Vanya's boyfriend."


We arrived at Harold Jenkin's residence, hoping to find him inside. Allison said that she had been there before, but didn't see much. As we walked up the steps of Harold's porch, the pain in my side started to come back from all the movement.

"Be careful, okay?" Allison warned, "We don't know what Peabody's capable of."

"Yeah, he didn't seem dangerous when I first saw him. Looked kinda scrawny," Diego dismissed Allison's concerns.

"Well, so are most serial killers and mass murderers. I mean," Allison pointed at Five and me, "Look at them."

"Thanks," Five and I said in unison.

"Good point," Diego noted, "So what's this guy want with Vanya?"

"I don't know," Five replied, "How about we ask him after we kill him?" As Diego began to come up with a stupid plan, Five grabbed my hand. He blinked us inside the house while Allison entered through an unlocked window.

Diego smashed through the door, sending pieces of glass clattering to the floor. I giggled lightly as Five walked up to the door and turned the doorknob.

"You know, the door was unlocked," Five stated. Diego got up from the ground with a grunt.

"Yeah, well, my way works just fine," Diego lightly brushed the glass off of his stupid leather pants, "Spread out. Yell if you, uh... you know, you're in trouble." Diego walked through the doorway to his left as I chuckled at his stupidity.

"Ah, inspiring leadership," Five teased.

"One of the greats," Allison remarked. I turned to the right and looked through the living room, while Allison and Five went straight ahead. Nothing stood out in my area, but all the walked around was making my wound start to ache. I was about to sit down on Harold's couch when I heard a voice come from the attic.

"Guys, you need to see this," Allison called. I sighed and walked over to the attic's ladder. I painfully climbed up after Diego and looked around in awe.

The room was covered from wall to wall with posters of the Umbrella Academy. All of their eyes were scratched out and threats were written in white paint. Figurines of the young heroes were sitting on every surface with the heads of the members burned off.

The creepy imagery of a person I cared about with their head burned off made me sick. A sudden ringing filled my ears and I couldn't understand a thing anyone was saying. Climbing the ladder made my wound hurt ten times worse than it had since Five and I got back. My head started to feel light. Five glanced over at me from across the room with concern.

Before I could even think to respond, my feet gave out from beneath me and I hit the ground. I groaned in pain and reached for my side. Five immediately blinked over to me while Allison and Diego ran over after him.

"Shit, Y/n!" Five shouted. He saw where my hand was moving and lifted part of my shirt. I had a shallow, oozing bullet wound on my side. I glanced down, looking at it for the first time before my eyes started to flutter shut.

"Y/n!" Five yelled as I began to lose consciousness. The last thing I saw before everything went black were the concerned and afraid eyes of Five Hargreeves

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