Chapter 1: We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals

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A/N: For Viktor, I'm going to use the name Vanya and she/her pronouns until I get to Viktor's transition storyline, at which point I will switch over. I've also changed the ages of Y/n and Five's physical forms, they're 16 instead of 13.


So, Five and I devised a plan. If we used our Commission-issues briefcases, they'd be able to find us faster than you can say "temporal anomaly", so that was out of the question. Luckily, I had Five. Not only could he time travel, but he had also been working on the right equation for months.

    We headed off to the spot we had set up to assassinate Kennedy. The spot was out of the way enough that nobody would see us, and big enough that Five would be able to make a wormhole for both of us. We stood in the space, preparing ourselves for the journey ahead.

    "When was the last time you did this?" I inquired.

    "When I got myself trapped in the apocalypse," Five answered bleakly, "But I know more than I did back then. When I was a kid, I just mindlessly jumped forward without a care in the world. Now, I'm checking every detail. Everything should go according to plan."

    "We've been through enough shit together that I trust you," I sighed, "Even though I probably shouldn't."

    "How sweet of you," Five spat, "You ready?"

    "As ready as I'll ever be, Apocalypse Boy," I responded. I smoothed out the hem of my dress and ran my fingers through my hair, trying to calm the nerves that plagued my body.

    Five clenched his fists and a blue aura began to form around them. It was the same blue light that arrived when he teleported, but this light stayed. He used all of his strength to open a portal. I peered through and saw a crowd of blurry faces I recognized only from Five's stories. One of them ran up and tossed something in the portal. I dodged out of the way as a fire extinguisher came hurtling onto our side.

    "Let's go," I instructed. I grabbed Five's wrist and hopped through.


    I hit the ground, just barely able to stay on my feet after such a large jump. I rubbed my eyes with my hands, only to realize that my hands looked... different. I glanced over at Five and my eyes widened. He spotted me staring and his mouth gaped open.

    "Is that little Number Five, or is that just me?" The fire extinguisher thrower questioned, definitely Klaus.

    "Shit," Five muttered as he touched his body. He was about forty-three years younger. His hair was no longer gray, his mustache was gone, and his suit no longer properly fit him. I looked down at my body and sighed. I was back in my sixteen-year-old body. My dress fit me just enough  to cover everything but dangled dangerously on my frame.

    "Who's the girl?" A man wearing spandex asked; I guessed that he was probably Diego. Five sighed and signaled for me to follow him. We entered a three-story mansion that took up almost an entire block in the middle of whatever city we were in. Five began to dig through cabinets as the people previously staring at us followed us inside.

    "What's the date?" Five inquired, "The exact date." Five snatched a loaf of bread off the counter along with a knife.

    "The 24th," A short brown-haired girl replied; Vanya, I assumed. I dug through some kitchen cabinets, looking for something to spread on the bread.

    "Of what?"



    "So, are we gonna talk about what just happened?" A man who could probably barely fit through a doorway with all his muscles questioned, "It's been 17 years." The man, who I figured out was Luther, stood up to try and catch Five's attention.

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