Chapter 8: I Heard a Rumor

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 I woke up in a room with equations written in chalk covering the walls. Why was I in Five's room? My question was answered by the painful feeling of my bullet wound searing through my side when I went to sit up. I groaned and winced as I sat myself up on Five's bed.

I noticed that there was a chair pushed up against the side of the bed with blankets tossed lazily over the arm. The next thing I realized was that I was wearing a pair of Five's pajamas. I lifted my shirt and examined the bandages wrapped around my chest. My wound hurt less than before, but it still stung. Especially when I first woke up and remembered the pain.

A flash of blue light flashed and I saw a puzzled Five standing in the center of the room holding two cups of coffee.

"You're awake," Five stated.

"No, I'm actually sleeping and I have coherent sleep-talking abilities," I sarcastically remarked. He grinned slightly before sitting down on the chair next to me and handing me one of the coffees. I took a sip and released a relaxed sigh, feeling the caffeine take effect already.

"How's the bullet wound doing?" Five asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"It still hurts, but I can manage," I answered.

"Better than yesterday?"


"Good." Five glanced at the massive amount of equations littering the wall with a conflicted look. I placed my hand over his to catch his attention.

"What's wrong?" Five let out an exasperated sigh.

"Turns out my dad killed himself. Pogo and mom were in on it."


"Yeah. He did it to bring us all together to save the world. And the bastard's plan worked."

"It's crazy, Reggie killed himself to save the world. Yet, he's probably the one who causes it."


"Well, Harold Jenkins is dating Vanya and he's weirdly obsessed with your family. The man who ends the world is ending it because of your father's academy."

"Hey, did we check Harold's file to see if the birthday prediction was correct?" I was about to answer, but I was cut off by a knock at the door.

"Sorry, was I interrupting some Five and Y/n alone time?" Klaus teased. I gestured for him to come in and he gleefully sat at the edge of Five's bed.

"I heard about the bullet wound. Rather unfortunate," Klaus commented, eliciting a light chuckle from me.

"Yeah. I'm doing pretty good right now, though," I replied, "I mean, I can probably stand." Five and Klaus shot each other concerned looks as I struggled to get out of the bed. I planted my feet on the ground and stood without a problem.

"Can you walk?" Five questioned. I took a couple of steps and walked around well enough. I smugly grinned at Five as I stood triumphantly in the middle of his room.

"This reminds me of when The Handler recruited me to the Commission," I commented.

"Ooo, a story? Indulge me," Klaus instructed, eagerly leaning on the edge of the bed. I sat back down on Five's bed and snatched my coffee.


I had spent over fifteen years living in the woods of Salem, MA. The residents of the village hunted for me on and off throughout the first few months I was gone. But, after seeing zero signs of me, they gave up.

Little by little, I ventured out of the cave and throughout the woods. I learned how to hunt animals and the non-toxic berries, and was able to survive quite well. I even tried my hand at carpentry and built some basic shelves for my cave using only the supplies I had around.

Now and then, I would poke my head into neighboring towns to barter for supplies; gaining access to nails, glass, and other metal parts. Each time, I prayed that no one from Salem had ventured to nearby villages.

I eventually worked my way up from shelves to doors. Then from doors to beds. And so on and so forth. In ten years, I had made myself a home using my bare hands.

However, throughout the following years, I became extremely lonely. I occasionally popped my head into villages, but I never stayed for long, fearing recognition.

One evening, I went foraging for berries. I decided to go at night because that morning I was too caught up weaving a basket, and I wanted to use my finished basket to hold the berries. With my new basket, I ventured into the woods and collected some familiar plants.

What I didn't notice while I was out there was a pack of wolves. I knew that wolves roamed the area, but I stupidly thought that they wouldn't come after me; I had been in the woods for nearly 16 years, why would wolves come after me now?

A hungry wolf seemingly came out of nowhere and tackled me to the ground. He bit a chunk of meat off of my thigh as his other wolf friends began to join him. I made eye contact with the one that attacked me; the alpha, I assumed.

The wolf cowered in fear as I toyed with his brain, before running away. The pack looked at their alpha and ran off with him, leaving me behind. I cautiously and weakly got off the ground and limped to my cave.

I spent at least a day bleeding profusely from my thigh, ruining several blankets I had to use as tourniquets. I thought I was going to die. And I would have if she didn't show up.

Her red heels clicked on the stone of my cave as she menacingly loomed over my pale body. She pulled her glasses down at me and grinned.

"Hello, Y/n Y/l/n. Can you walk? I have an opportunity for you."


"...Then, she asked me to join the Commission. I was too busy bleeding out to question her offer and signed myself up for a ten-year contract." I finished my story. Klaus was on the edge of his seat and Five just nodded, having heard the story many times before.

"The woman you hate most in the world saved your life," Five chuckled, "Ironic."

"It's even more ironic if you considered the fact that we killed her a few days ago," I noted.

"Wait, wh-" Klaus was cut off by the sound of a door slamming. Five and I glanced over and saw Diego running down the hall.

"Where have you been?" Five asked.

"Jail," Diego bluntly answered, "Long story, where's Luther?" He entered the room and surveyed his surroundings.

"Haven't seen him since breakfast," Five replied.

"Two days until the world ends," I chuckled, "Great time to drop off the grid."

"Shit," Diego muttered, "Allison is in danger."


After picking up a depressed Luther from a local bar, the five of us headed to Harold Jenkins's cabin. Allison went to the cabin alone, hoping to find Vanya and tell her about Harold. I sat in the passenger seat while Five drove and the others sat in the back.

Once we pulled up to Harold's cabin, we all hustled out of the car. The surrounding area was terrifyingly quiet and the only car in the driveway was Allison's. We dashed inside and stared in horror at the sight before us.

Allison was lying in a pool of blood with her throat slashed. She looked like Hades was about to pull her across the river Styx. Luther tried to cry over her body but I ordered him to carry her to the car, knowing that we didn't have time for him to sob. We had to get her home, and quickly.

I just couldn't help but wonder what made Harold Jenkins brutally murder Allison. Was it his homicidal tendencies, or was it something else?

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