Meeting the Parents

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Tobio walked in the gym. Hinata ran up to him, obviously happy to see him, then stops and stares once he notices the black eye, then ignores it, holding up a ball and asking if he wants to play. Sighing, he nods.

Some of the others noticed the bruising too. They look at him with concern but decide to go back to what they're doing, letting him be for now.

Coach Ukai watches him, feeling bad.

The school day want much better. Some gave him judgy glances, others completely ignored him, while a few gave him looks of pity. His teacher asked what had happened, but he said he was fine.

When lunch time came around, he spent it up on the rooftop with Tanaka, who was able to make him laugh so hard that that milk came out of his nose.

Afternoon practice was okay though. His teammates felt bad, but if he doesn't want to talk about it, then they won't ask. They know his boundaries, and they respect him enough to not question, even Tsukishima, known to taunt him, didn't say anything about it.

Upon opening and unlocking the door to the Tanaka residence, two adults came and greeted them, their faces turning into concern (rightfully so) when looking at Tobios face. They don't say anything, as they've only just met.

"Hi! We're Ryunosukes parents," Mei says excitedly with a smile. Tobio gives a small hello back, unintentionally clutching onto the hem of Tanaka's shirt. "Feel free to stay as long as you need to!" She says. "You could even stay forever if you'd like." Yori jokes.

"We have homework to do, so we'll just be in my room," Tanaka says, grabbing Tobio's hand and leading him away.

"We'll call you when dinners ready!" Mei yells. "I think that went pretty well," she says, Yori nods. "I agree."

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