First Morning Over

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Getting up the next morning, Tobio was even more sore then before. Tanaka was still sleeping, it's early after all, the sunrise is barely beginning.

He changes into a pair of his workout clothes, grabbing a pair of socks and his running shoes with his phone and ear plugs.

Stepping out of the warm house, he breathes in the cool morning air. Pressing play on a playlist, he starts running.

By the time he comes back, he's sweaty and the sky is a pale blue. Opening the door back up, he takes off his shoes and turns his phone off, having a shower before starting breakfast.

Tanaka wakes up and into the kitchen, yawning and putting the kettle on. "Morning," Tobio says. Tanaka gives him a kiss on the cheek, looking still half asleep.

The toast pops up. Tobio butters it then puts it on a plate with some bacon and an egg. He hands it over to Tanaka, who takes it gratefully and starts eating.

Kageyama serves his own breakfast, and just as he's about to sit with Tanaka, a female voice speaks, "Hey where's my breakfast?" She says, stealing a piece of Tobio's bacon.

"Saeko fuck off!" Tanaka yells. "Go make your own." She rolls her eyes at him. "Why are you so grumpy for?" She says while making a cup of coffee, sitting down across from the two.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare?" He says, noticing the way she keeps on glancing at Kageyama. "How'd you get it?"

"You can't just ask that, you know?

"Moms boyfriend." He says casually, taking a bite of his toast. "Why? Did you get caught smoking weed?" She says in a teasing tone, stealing a bite of her brothers breakfast. He glares at her.

"No, that would have been a fair beating," he takes a sip of his coffee, "it's a long and boring story." Now she seems intrigued. "Oh really? I have time."

"Saeko stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong," Tanaka mumbles.

Kageyama shrugs. "Years ago, Mom said she was really sick, so dropped me off at my grandfathers. She never came back. A month ago I tracked her down, she said I was a random kid with the wind address, then shuts the door on my face. I got mad. I yelled. I threw things. Her boyfriend came out, I tried to get past him, that failed and he beat the shit outta me." He pauses to take several more bites.

Just as she was about to talk, Tobio put his hand up, to silence her. "Yesterday, I found her in my lounge room. She kicked me out. Telling me  that there's no reason to have two houses, she needs more money and that I shouldn't be living home alone. Once the door was shut in my face again, I got mad and did the same thing. Yelled. Threw things. Banged on the door. Her boyfriend came out again. He beat the shit out of me, strangled me. Although I did get several hits on him, then ran before he could get back up." She stares at him, shocked.

"So now I'm here I guess." He said, shrugging, acting as if none of that bothered him, but it does.

Every bruise and ache is a reminder of just how much is mother doesn't love him.

Tanaka knows it does, even if Tobio doesn't say it, because he doesn't need him too. Tanaka knows more than anyone by now just how much Tobio is suffering.

-if anyone wants to see anything in particular or make any suggestions, just let me know and I'll do my best to write it!
Although I do already have an idea on how their first kiss and confession will go.

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