Peaceful Days

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The two woke up later than usual the next morning.

Tanaka immediately remembers the little goodnight kiss Tobio had given him from the previous night. He subconsciously feels the spot with a hand.

Once again, he admires the way Tobio looks in the morning. "Morning!" Tanaka says brightly. Kageyama frowns back at him.

"Hello," he says in a monotone voice. Stretching, Tobio gets up and yawns. "Aw that bitch ruined my sleep," he complains. Tanaka just nods, not really knowing what to say to that.

Kageyama heads for the stove, boiling up some water. As the water is boiling, he grabs a cup out from the small pantry, along with a jar of coffee.

"Oh, did you want some coffee too?" He asks. "Do you have any sugar and milk?"
"I mean, it's powdered milk, but it tastes the same," he explains, grabbing out a jar of sugar and another cup.

Tanaka, once again, hugs him from behind. Kageyama ignores him and continues with what he's doing, acting like it's part of a morning routine they've been doing for months. 

Once the water is boiled, Tobio pours the water in the cups. Then adds the powdered milk into Tanakas cup, along with the sugar. "I don't know how much sugar you like, so if it's not sweet enough, you can go and add more." He says, handing the cup to him.

Tobio grabs out a pan from the cupboard, setting it down on the stove. "Did you want some breakfast?" He asks, just in case. "I can cook if you want?" Tanaka asks back. "No, it's okay I can do it."

So, he does. Tobio cooks the two breakfast again as Tanaka sits on the couch, feeling bad.

However, he stops feeling bad as breakfast is presented to him, where they sit and eat in the peaceful silence.

"Are you heading back home today?" Tanaka asks as he's doing the dishes. "Yeah, I guess." Kageyama answers in a disappointing tone. "Kinda have to. School is tomorrow."
"Guess we should make the most of it huh?" Tanaka says, done with the dishes, now latched onto Tobio. "Yeah, I guess." He says sighing.

"Did you wanna do anything today?" Tanaka questions. Tobio shakes his head. "You going to practice today?" Tobio shakes his head again.

"You wanna go back to the river?" Tanaka asks. Tobio shrugs. "Yeah sure, why not?"

Kageyama grabs the clothes from yesterday, putting them on.

Like yesterday, he packs several snacks and drinks, then were off toward the water.

It was more of a chill day today, where it started off by letting Tanaka push him on the swing again. Followed by sitting in the water, where eventually they got out to go and have something to eat. Where they ended up sitting in the water again.

It wasn't for a while before they got out, both ready to go and lie down on the bed.

"Hey are you okay?" Tanaka can't help but ask as they're cuddled up on the bed, watching a movie. "Hm? Yeah, I'm okay. Why?" Tobio answers.

"You just seem different today is all. And there's that thing that happened on Friday."
"Is that why you're refusing to leave me alone? Do you think somethings gonna happen to me as soon as I leave your sight?"
"Kinda." Tanaka admits. "I also just like spending time with you. You sure you don't want to talk about it?" He can't help but ask.

"I just heard that bottling things up and keeping them to yourself isn't good for you is all." Tobio goes quiet. He's annoyed. Tanaka knows it. He knew not to pester, but he did it anyway.

"I want-I want you to know that I'm not saying it to piss you off." He says quietly. "I ask, because I genuinely care about you is all." He feels Kageyama nod slowly, though he continues staying quiet.

Minutes of silence had gone by, making Tanaka feel guilty again, until he heard soft snores coming from the younger. Tanaka smiles gently at him, squeezing him tighter. He closes his eyes too, feeling tired and ready for a nap.

The atmosphere was perfect for it. The day was sunny with a light breeze, making the trees sway softly. Birds are chirping in the distance. He can hear bees buzzing softly close by.

When the two wake up, it's early afternoon. Kageyama sighs, he knows he has to get back home. He turns the bed back into a couch and cleans up what little mess they had made.

Grabbing the key out of his pocket, he locks the little house up, walking back into town with Tanaka. "Guess I should let you go now. Bye," Tobio says, giving him a hug, followed by a kiss on his neck, before walking back to his house.

Unlocking the door, he steps into the dark and empty house. It's stuffy, so he goes and opens the curtains and windows, brightening up the place and letting air in.

As he flops onto his bed, his phone vibrates.

Tanaka: Are you home?
Kageyama: Yes
Tanaka: Did you get home safe? Kageyama smiles to himself.
Kageyama: Yes
Kageyama: You're really clingy
Tanaka: Just want to make sure you get home safe is all. I could've walked you home you know
Tanaka: so what are you up to now?
Kageyama: Nothing.
Tanaka: Are you going to afternoon practice?
Kageyama: No. I'll go tomorrow.

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