Sleeping Over

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The two were sitting on Tobio's couch, trying to find a movie to watch and Tanaka couldn't help but glance at him every few seconds.

"You good there?" Tobio says after taking a sip of his cherry soda. "Yeah."
"You sure? You look like you wanna say something." Tanaka smiles at him. "That's another thing I like about you, you're very direct. Yeah, it's fine. I just felt a little bad is all." 
"Yeah, I know you don't like being pitied, but what you said is genuinely sad, and I just feel a little bad that you went through that is all." Kageyama just nods at what he said. 

"I don't know if this is the right time to say this, but I kinda missed you." Tanaka admits. "Missed me? You see me every day. In fact, you go out of your way to find me. Not to mention your texting," Kageyama says in a teasing tone. "Yeah, you know, like your cooking, and cuddling with you." Tobio gives a small smile.

"And playing with your hair-"
"Is it because you don't have any of your own?" Kageyama spoke, grinning. Tanaka hits him lightly.

"You know, I like you like this?"
"Like what?"
"When you're joking around and laughing. It's fun to see your actual personality come out. Not to mention you have a pretty smile." He compliments. In return, Tobio gives him a light kiss on the neck.

Hours later and the two have ditched the couch for Tobio's bed, who's fast asleep, with Tanaka on the verge of falling asleep himself.

Tanaka couldn't help but touch as much of Tobio as he can, because what he said was true, Tanaka really did miss Tobio.

Sure, what Kageyama said is true, they saw each other at practice and during lunchtime, as well as texting, but he missed these private moments.

The moments where Tobio allows himself to be himself.

Tanaka missed the way he smells, how he looks just after waking up and especially cuddling at night, and the times where he'd make Tobio smile.

"God you're so cute when you smile," Tanaka can't help but say as he's tracing the younger's hand. "Hm? Wha' D'you say?"
"Nothing, go back to sleep." Tanaka says softly.

Kageyama nods, stretches (almost like a cat), then falls back to sleep.

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