Under the Light

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If not for the umbrella, Tanaka would be soaked to the bone. It's pouring outside, and dark, aside from the lightning that would light up the sky every now and then, thunder booming with it.

Tanaka should have gone home earlier, but he wanted to practice a little more.

The only other light source he has are the streetlights, which provide little help against the rain.

At the next streetlight he passes, there seems to be a shadow sitting under it. Cautious, he steps closer and closer, until he's looking down at him.

This person seems oddly familiar. The person looks up at him. That's why. It's Kageyama.

Only it didn't look like Kageyama. Not with the black eye, blood running down his face that mixed in with the rain or shining blue eyes.

"Who did this to you?" He can't help but ask, annoyed at the person and concerned for his teammate.

Kageyama doesn't answer him.

Oddly enough, Tanaka notices how pretty he looks. Has he always looked this pretty? Prettier than usual anyway.

"What do you want?" Tobio says in a defeated voice, looking up at him, clothes soaked through. How long had he been sitting there?

Tanaka extends a hand for him to take, but he doesn't take it. He grabs one of his hands and is able to pull him up onto his feet and under the umbrella, not that it'd do anything, as he's already wet.

Tobio tries to get out of Tanaka's grasp, but is unable to, so he's forced to walk with him.

Once inside the house, Tanaka takes him into the bathroom, where he's forced to take a warm shower, so he doesn't get sick, and to warm up, ridding the cold water from his skin.

When he hears the shower turn off, Tanaka knocks on the door, spare change of clothes in his hands.

Tobio opens it, towel wrapped around his waist.

In this light, Kageyama looks far worse and there are more bruises covering his body.

Tanaka swallows, trying not to look down at the towel, wanting to know certain things he shouldn't even think of.

"Spare clothes," is all he's able to get out, shutting the door quickly.

Kageyama emerges from the bathroom a moment later, this time fully clothed and hair slightly damp.

"You got a plastic bag?" He asks, holding up his wet clothes. "No, it's okay, I'll wash them for you," nodding, he puts them back in the bathroom.

Now heading for the front door but Tanaka stops him. "You want some dinner?"
"No," but his stomach grumbles. He rolls his eyes. "Fine."

Now in the kitchen, two bowls of ramen sit on the table. Sighing, Kageyama sits down and quietly eats his noodles, drinking the warm liquid afterwards. Then rinses off the dish and puts it in the sink.

Walking toward the front door again. This time he grabs onto Tobio's hand. "Please stay?" He says in an almost desperate tone.

Tobio sighs again, moving his hand away from the doorknob, "fine, I'll stay." His voice sounds scratchy, almost as if he'd been yelling.

Smiling, Tanaka now leads him into the lounge room, turning on the tv, grabbing a large blanket to share.

"What happened? Who did this?" He tried to touch the black eye, but Tobio swats him away.

"Mind your business," Kageyama says quietly. "Do you want ice for it? It's going to swell if you don't." Tobio glares at him.

Tanaka nods and turns his attention back to the tv. "Anything you wanna watch?" Kageyama shakes his head, resting it against Tanaka's shoulder.

So, he picks a random movie, and they sit there in content watching it.

About halfway through the movie was where Tanaka was brave enough to wrap his arm around Tobio's shoulders, who didn't seem to mind-or really notice.

It was a quarter through the second movie where Kageyama started to yawn.
Falling asleep just before the end.

Now Tanaka isn't sure what to do. Should he let him sleep on the couch? Or be a decent person and let him sleep on a bed?

A minute later he finally decided and opted for the second option. Gently, he picks him up and heads over to his bedroom, carefully placing him down on the bed.

God, it'd be so easy to just lie down beside-nope! Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope! Shaking his head, Tanaka pulls out a futon and lies down next to his bed. 

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