Chapter 5: W.E

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Dread Weaver: Mr.Todd, I did give you my word that I'm going to save you from them, and I'm also saving you from this world.

He rose to his feet and reached for the doorknob, but I promptly shot him in the head, bringing about his demise. Approaching his lifeless body, I gazed down at him.

Dread Weaver: You've indulged in numerous sins in this world, to the extent that the devil eagerly awaits your company, ready to embrace you.

Then I started shooting his head repeatedly until there was nothing more of his head. 

Dread Weaver: and I'm just doing my part... you sick bastard.

After that whole fiasco, I started quickly swinging through the city. I gracefully navigated the rooftops, leaping and swinging from building to building. And as I finally found the warehouse, I descended from above, landing silently on the rooftop. He surveys the area, spotting the thugs below. Then I saw Brando, the leader, and his other lackey; I guess there has

Dread Weaver: I guess they're having a meeting or something, but hey, at least it would be a hassle to kill all of them one by one.

As I did my dramatic entrance, I stood in front of the center. The thugs were shocked, especially the leaders. They told the thugs to attack me with everything they had, so I went to work. The thugs rushed towards me, swinging their weapons aggressively, but I evaded the thug's swing, effortlessly ducking and weaving. Some started shooting, and I used one of them as a shield and threw the body at them. I started using my talons to counter the thugs' attack, killing them with lightning-fast strikes. I used my environment to my advantage and did acrobatic maneuvers to avoid incoming attacks.


Then the fight intensified; I started delivering powerful kicks and punches, with each strike calculated and precise, killing the thugs. The thugs struggle to keep up, and their confidence wanes as their numbers dwindle. The thugs are starting to be scared.

Thug: This... guy's a monster!

Dread Weaver: You haven't seen anything yet.

I started using my guns and webs to disarm and kill more thugs. One by one, the thugs fell; bodies were either dismembered, had bullets inside them, or were cut in half. Then finally, after killing the other leaders, there was only Brando that remained, visibly shaken but determined. He was greeting his teeth while he was speaking to me.

Brando: You killed my crew, you bastard!

Then he grabbed his gun from the suit, and when he was about to shoot me. I shoot him first, killing him. I then checked for the slaves and found them inside shipping containers. They were 11 to 13 years old women. They had tattered clothes, and the smell was horrible. I told them that everything was okay and that the policies were about to come, and as I was about to leave, one of the girls slightly pulled my arm. I turned around and looked at her.

Y/N: Hey, what can I do for you?

She then pulled out something from her pocket, and it was a necklace. The necklace had a delicate chain made of sterling silver, with tiny links that glistened in the light. At the center of the chain hung a pendant in the shape of a spider, crafted with meticulous detail. The spider's body was made of a deep, iridescent gemstone, capturing the colors of a starlit sky. Its legs, carefully curved and adorned with small, sparkling diamonds, added an elegant touch to the piece.

Child: I... I want you to have this, sir.

I kneel down to meet her eye-to-eye.

Y/N: thank you, what's your name, little one?

Lanora: Lanora.

Y/N: That's a beautiful name Lanora.

Then I started to hear sirens; I looked at her one last time.

Y/N: thank you, Lanora, But I have to go now

Then as I started to swing out of there, I heard Lanora yell.


I smiled under the mask because I didn't care what others thought of me, either they thought of me as a monster or a villain. But you only need one person to believe in you and call you their hero, and that's all I need. As I was swinging to the city my spider sense was tingling and I tried my best to doged whatever it was but it connected, making me fall from the sky and dropping hard on the ground of one of the city buildings. I slowly got up and turned around. It was the three spiders in their fighting stance. 

Dark Weaver: chuckling... Well, well, well. Look who we have here?

The three didn't respond, this took me by surprise. Usually, they are more talkative, but this is strange.

Dark Weaver: So, are we going to fight or not?

Gwen: We know who you are


Funnel-Web (Y/N x Gwen Stacy) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu