2023 - Doctor Who Beyond

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As the 60th Anniversary year looms over, who knows what figures we may have next? Rumours, if not definite sources, have already confirmed that we will be getting a new B&M wave due in the fall of 2023;

The Five Doctors 2 pack (September - £21.99)

History Of The Daleks - Revelation Of The Daleks (September - £21.99)

The Ultimate Adventure Set - (September - £24.99)

The Deadly Assassin 3 pack (November - £21.99)

History Of The Daleks - Remembrance Of The Daleks (November - £21.99)

Bronze Dalek and Dalek Sec set (November - £21.99)

It appears that we have some sets released with a Gallifrey theme to them and some more Daleks, plus a bizarre release from a stage show. We have a 6th Doctor Ultimate Adventure TARDIS set, the first TARDIS set with the Sixth Doctor from an unusual source of story. We will be getting a new 6th Doctor mould, the first after Al Dewar said that doing a 6th Doctor on a B&M budget would be too much to do meaning we won't be getting another Colin Baker figure. The increase in price may have led to a new mould being made to do. I wonder what The Five Doctors set will be having a set from the story only back in 2021 - maybe Richard Hurndall and Death Zone Dalek? 

The Deadly Assassin pack I hope includes a Peter Pratt Master re-release (maybe a Time Lord to go along with it?), and seems that we don't have any sign of a Resurrection Of The Daleks HOTD set so far. I wonder for Revelation Of The Daleks we will have an Imperial and Renegade Dalek, re-released from 2011. The mould for the Remembrance Davros has been found and we may get a re-release of it. An Imperial Dalek was re-released back in 2020, so we will either get a Davros, a destroyed Imperial Dalek or a Special Weapons Dalek, or on the Renegade faction either the Supreme or Renegade Dalek. As for the Bronze Dalek/Dalek Sec set, it seems that we jump straight to the Cult Of Skaro and could be given any standard Bronze Dalek, or a release with another member of the Cult; Thay, Jast, or Cann.

Other prototype figures have been made so they may see a re-release. The 2nd Doctor in fur coat and Sensorite (both made in 2009) were eventually released in 2021. A Richard Hurndall figure was also made as a prototype so this could support my guess for The Five Doctors 2 pack release. However, with the news that apparently the original mould for Hurndall has been lost, it may not prove possible to do a figure based on him, unless an entirely new mould was made of him. Here are the other figures that have had prototype releases made of them which we could potentially see a future release for.

The Power of the Daleks Second Doctor.


Season 18 Fourth Doctor with Burgundy hat.

The Curse of Fenric Seventh Doctor.

Rose Tyler with updated articulation (both from The Parting of the Ways and The Satan Pit)

Brother of Mine as Scarecrow

De-Aged Tenth Doctor from The Last of the Time Lords with Toclafane.

Professor Lazarus

Gwyneth (The Unquiet Dead)

Kess (Planet Of The Ood)

"Bad Wolf" TARDIS

Andy Stone (The Waters of Mars)

Exterminated Tenth Doctor.

Ghost Cyberman

I think personally, depending on budgets, I would like to see more companions released if possible. Perhaps a Jamie and a Yeti set? A 5th Doctor companion trio such as Tegan, Nyssa or Turlough being released by reusing parts from other figures? Something similar for Hartnell and Troughton's companions? A Liz Shaw with two Mars Probe 7 astronaut figures, or even a Spearhead From Space set with the 3rd Doctor and an Auton with meteorite accessory? Maybe a re-released with the 7th Doctor from The Curse Of Fenric in his coat with his TARDIS from the previous 2010 set?  A Wheel In Space set containing the two Cybermen from the story, previously unreleased but presented in a catalogue image with other versions of Cybermen, and a Zoe figure? 

A few re-releases of some very difficult-to-find figures now would be much appreciated, such as the Revenge Of The Cybermen set. A new Shada-style TARDIS, having failed to get my hands on one when it was first released in 2019. Some Ice Warriors would be cool, as would a Zygon or a Krynoid, plus the other various villains and rogues seen throughout the Classic Series. But to be fair, I am very happy with the figures that there have been released. Granted, the decisions made by Character Options on recent sets I haven't been too pleased with, but I am very proud of my collection and the figures that I own. Maybe you have some figures you would like to have in mind to get a release?

Fans will be overjoyed and be ready to build their collections up further for whatever figures are next to be released. Whether they come straight from Character or whether they are B&M exclusives, I am very much looking forward to seeing what figures come next. As the program moves towards its 70th, we shall enjoy the fun of playing with our favourite figures and monsters and the other evils that attempt to conquer the universe for the Doctor to prevent...

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