Chapter 23

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I was completely shocked, and tears started streaming down my face. The realization of how much Mase meant to me hit me like a wave. I felt broken and filled with anger at the same time. Countless questions raced through my mind, questioning our connection. "Why would he make me feel so loved and then betray me like this?" and "What was it that I couldn't give him?" I knew I had agreed to pick him up at the airport in an hour, but the thought of seeing his face, the one who shattered my heart, was unbearable. Overwhelmed by emotions, I hurriedly left the key for the house outside on the doorstep, leaving a clear message that I was gone. As I approached the driveway, I spotted the Uber I had ordered. Without hesitation, I entered the vehicle and instructed the driver to take me to my address. My eyes continued to well up with tears, but the understanding Uber driver respected my silence and didn't ask about it. It was the strangest feeling approaching my own door, as I was basically move in Mase's house. As soon as I stepped inside, my phone started ringing, and I saw Willa's name on the screen. Still reeling from the earlier events, I answered the call, my voice filled with pain.

Call between Willa and Palma

"Hey, girl, how are you?" Willa asked, her voice filled with concern.

"I'm miserable," I replied, my emotions welling up once again.

"Wait five minutes, I'm just one underground stop away from you!" she said before abruptly ending the call. I sat there, waiting anxiously, and as the five minutes passed, I heard a knock on my door. I quickly got up and opened it, revealing my best friend standing there. Without a second thought, I wrapped my arms around her, seeking distraction from the pain caused by Mase.

"I was so shocked when I saw the article," Willa said softly as we settled on my bed.

"I know, I feel so broken. I never would have expected this from him," I replied, my tears flowing more freely now. It was becoming increasingly difficult to articulate my feelings without breaking down completely.

"You're better than this. This just reveals his true colors," Willa reassured me, trying to lift my spirits.

"The worst part is that this whole situation made me realize how deeply in love I am with him and how difficult it will be not having him around. But I can't be with someone like him. Everything happens for a reason," I said, struggling to believe my own words.

"After this, I'm completely done with Chilly as well. If his best friend could do something like this, I don't even want to know what he's capable of. He might have done the same," Willa added.

"I know, never trust a football player," I replied.

"Exactly. Have you heard from him? Has he reached out to you?" she asked.

"No, not at all. I was supposed to pick him up at the airport right about now. But when I woke up and read that article, I immediately left and left my key to his house outside on the doorstep," I explained.

"I'm glad you're taking care of yourself. He doesn't deserve someone like you if he can do something like this," Willa said.

"I just can't believe he hasn't even texted me or anything. It just shows how little he cares about me," I said, my tears welling up once again.

"Forget about him. You deserve someone better than him," Willa said, embracing me in a comforting hug. As we lay there in silence, my phone started to ring, displaying Mason's name on the screen. It was the last person I wanted to talk to at that moment. Panic surged through me as I tried to figure out what to do. How could I solve this? Deep down, I knew there was no solution. I couldn't be with him anymore.

"What should I do?" I asked Willa, my voice filled with anxiety.

"What feels right to you?" she responded calmly.

"I don't know... I don't really want to hear the voice of the guy who broke my heart just an hour ago," I said, my distress evident.

"Then don't. He needs to give you as much time as you need. Eventually, you'll have to have a chat about the whole situation, but if it doesn't feel right, right now, he must respect that," Willa reassured me, gently rubbing my arm.

"I don't even know if I ever want to speak to him," I said, my tone filled with anger and frustration. And just like that, the call from Mason stopped. As I didn't respond his call, he then sent me a text.

Mason and Palma

Hey baby, as I just landed and realized you aren't here, I reckon you have seen the article and I know from your perspective it seems off. The truth about that picture is that it is an old one from when I was your age, 18. The medias likes to make up these fake scenarios to get the readers attention. I feel so broken, knowing how deep of a shock this must have been to you, and with me being in the air I have not had the chance to tell you, before now. Please let me know how you're feeling and maybe we could meet up and speak about it?

I read the message aloud to Willa, and emotions overwhelmed me as I couldn't determine whether it was right or wrong. I desperately want to believe him, but doubt lingers in my mind. I need time to process everything and carefully consider my response. Despite the deep feelings I have for him, I must prioritize myself. Willa and I discussed the situation thoroughly, and she eventually left to give me some much-needed alone time.

Tomorrow, I have an interview with a modeling agency. They approached me after spotting me on the streets of London. They sent me an email with all the details, and I'm scheduled to meet them tomorrow morning. Afterwards, I'll be heading back to Monaco to reunite with my family whom I haven't seen in six months, and I really miss them. The timing feels right to take a break and cherish precious moments with my loved ones, especially after everything with Mase.

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