Chapter 15

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(a few days' time skip)

Mase and I were in the car, on our way to Portsmouth for the evening. His family had kindly invited us over for dinner. We had been enjoying Mase's playlist for about an hour and a half now. With only 20 minutes remaining of the drive, I lowered the music to ask him a question.

"Mase, about the final, I was wondering if I could bring Willa," I asked nervous about his answer.

"Let me check with the manager, but I'm sure we can get one more ticket." He replied.

"I know how much it would mean to her, and then she could keep me in company as well."

"I would love for you guys to go together. By the way, I have scheduled a private jet for you on Friday morning, and I'll leave tomorrow afternoon, with the team."

"Mase, you did not have to do that," I said to him, a bit overwhelmed by all the gestures he does for me.

"Anything for my lady," he said smiling.

"But you stayed at your family's house in Porto, right?" he asked, making sure he got it right.

"Yes, so don't surprise me with a hotel room," I said slightly laughing.

We arrived at Mase's childhood home, and I was so excited to be with his family again. We knocked on the door and Mase's mom opened to greet us.

"Hi dear, how have you been?" she asked, hugging me.

"Good thanks, and you?" I asked back.

"Great, as well" she replied, and I smiled.

"Hi mamma's boy," she said hugging Mase.

"It's like you like Palma better than me." He said as a joke.

"I might do?" she said joking back. Me and Mase entered the house and put up our jackets and took off our shoes.

We went into the living room the greet the rest of the family, Mase second sister was still not there because she lives in Australia. Mase told everybody he had promised me to see his childhood room, so we went up there from the start, and Debbie, Mase's mom when to the kitchen to keep on cooking dinner.

Mase's room was on the first floor, so we went up the stairs and he then guided me to his room. As I got in, I could totally identify it was a teenage boy's room. On his walls, he had posters hanging of Peter Crouch and Jermain Defoe including signatures, the two players played for Portsmouth, his favorite team growing up. He has a big bed in the corner of the room, and a TV in front of the bed, with a PlayStation connected, I can just imagine all the countless hours spent on gaming.

"This room is just screaming teenage boy, I can just imagine you laying there in bed, playing FIFA," I said laughing.

"Bing, just about right," he said laughing.

"How crazy is it that you're that guy now, hanging on posters in every boy's room," I said, and we shared a moment of quiet reflection, of how far he had come. The journey Mase had embarked on, from a young boy idolizing his favorite players to becoming a football star himself. It was surreal to think that he now adorned the walls of many boys' rooms, just like the players he had looked up to.

"I know, I would have never thought that," he said smiling, putting his arms around me, and kissing the top of my head. With a final glance around the room, we descended the stairs, ready to join Mase's family back in the living room.

"I'm hearing you're joining us in Porto?" Mase's dad Tony asked me as we entered the living room and took a seat on the couch.

"Yes, I can't wait, it'll be such a good memory," I said smiling at Tony.

"I hope so, we'll be expecting some silverware" Mase's dad teased Mase, as he had always had very high expectations of him.

"I know you do dad, obviously I want the trophy too, I'll do my best." He said quite annoyed. Mase then turned his face to me and whispered that he had spoken with the manager, and I could bring Willa if I would like, and she could come with me in the private jet, Mase had scheduled for me. I hugged and kissed him on the cheek and told him thank you and that I would just go and make a call to Willa.

I hurriedly made my way to Mase's room, driven by the urgency to contact Willa. Once inside, I located my phone and selected her name from my contacts. With trembling fingers, I tapped on her name and brought the phone to my ear, awaiting her response. The ringing echoed in my ears, building anticipation with each passing second. Suddenly, the familiar sound ceased, and a wave of happiness washed over me as I heard Willa's voice on the other end of the phone.

Call between Willa and Palma

"Hey girl, how are you doing?" Willa asked.

"Doing great, just visiting Mase's parents," I replied.

"That's great, but why are you calling me then, shouldn't you be with them?" she asked curiously.

"Just wondering if you had plans on Friday?" I asked in a silly voice.

"Nope, but you do?" she replied.

"Well, now you have plans. I asked Mase if you could come with me, since I know how much it would mean to you, and his manager said it was okay!" I said so excited.

"Stop Palms, I swear, I feel like I'm dreaming. You're telling me I'm going to Chelsea's champions league final!" she said not even believing what just came out of her mouth.

"You got it right, Mase has scheduled a private jet for us, Friday morning, and then we'll stay at my parents' house in Porto," I explained to her.

"Private jet, you're kidding. I never thought bringing you to one Chelsea game, would end up like this." She exclaimed with happiness in her voice.

"I'm so happy we get this experience together, but I better get back to everybody, just had to let you know!" I spoke.

"Tell Mase thanks, and I'll see you on Friday, love you."

"love you, bye," I said and hung up, I couldn't contain my excitement and immediately dashed downstairs to the living room, where Mase was waiting. Overwhelmed with joy, I wrapped my arms around him in a tight embrace, unable to hide my happiness. I excitedly shared with him the news of Willa's delight, and just how thrilled she was about the upcoming experience.

"What is all that about," Lewis asked.

"I asked Mase if I could bring one of my best friends to Porto with me, and she's a massive Chelsea fan – and he told me yes, and I just told her, and she got so excited," I explained to Lewis.

"That's great, we already like her if she's a Chelsea fan" Tony added.

"Dinner is ready" Mase's mom called from the kitchen. We made our way to the kitchen, to lend a hand to Mase's mom. Together, we assisted her in carrying all the delicious dishes and beverages from the kitchen to the dining room, ensuring everything was set for the family dinner.

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