8- Small Trip

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Wukong stretched, "Alright, listen up, MK! I'm going to go visit the Celestial Realm, okay? I need to go get my hands on a scroll in order to release a weapon."

The brunette bristled, "A super weapon?! Why?"

The king hummed, summoning his cloud, "There's a new bad guy around, and she's freakishly powerful. Look, it'll take a few hours or a few days. I'm not sure."

MK deflated, "But what about training?" Wukong grinned, "Macaque can help! Just, do me a favor, bud?"

"Please stay away from dark-haired little girls."


Macaque slammed his head against the wall, beyond frustrated.

He wasn't any closer to finding a way to extract the fourth ring and have a new host. The shadow user had contimplated Red Son, but who knew if he even wanted the cursed fire back.

Not to mention it had overtaken the boy so violently Red Son often hurt himself due to the intense power.

No, it wasn't ideal to burden a child that way. Even if he was technically an adult now.

Macaque felt a wave of freezing magic abruptly flash within him, causing the ebony monkey to stumble.

He was running out of time.


Wukong grumbled loudly, throwing off piles of bricks off of him.

He had unfortunately stepped on a trap, causing the walls to crumble down on him. The traps were impossible for him to make out without Gold Vision, but he was occupied with using his glowing eyes to search for a specific item.

They needed the Samadhi Fire, that much was obvious.

But they needed to find a host or item that can wield the fire without causing the world to implode.

They needed a carefully crafted scroll he'd created alongside with Nezha. The problem was that the Lotus Prince hid it in a heavily gaurded temple.


The king grunted, barely rolling out of the way as hot, steaming tar fell from above.


MK shouldn't be here.

He had been helping Pigsy clean the kitchen when he'd accidentally discovered he could shrink.

"Pigsy, look! I'm tiny!"

The chef had facepalmed, perplexed, "That's... Great. Now can ya turn big again? You ain't done cleanin'."

He couldn't turn back.

He had then run off, assuring the pig demon that he would get help. And then he'd ended up falling through an opening...

When he'd sat up, he'd noticed a couple things. Webs covered the rocks around him. Green glass littered the ground and he gulped at the eerie glow that lit up around him.

He was back in the Spider Queen's lair.

The last time MK had been down here was to help Red Son and his mother help Demon Bull King after he was... Controlled? Possessed?

It was bad.

And now he was back again!

MK huffed, trying to calm down. He needed a way to get out, so he was going to be quiet and stealthy. Just like Mac.

The brunette swallowed roughly.


Wukong cheered as he held up a scroll; This was it, he could feel it! Literally! 

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