6- Interrupted Celebrations

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Macaque teleported them to a rooftop, allowing the team to observe the attack.

Spider Queen was using small spider robots to infect people, which meant they needed to figure out how to not only defeat the queen, but to help the infected, too.

Wukong's eyes glowed and he sputtered, "Geez, her mech is full of magic signatures! Look, I'm going to go get them out and then we can defeat her. She's using them to power up her stupid machine!"

Macaque huffed, "You can't go alone-!" MK suddenly gagged, "Spiders are so gross! Why spiders?! Ugh!"

Wukong whined, "Just, please stay with them? I'll be back quickly." He summoned his cloud and flew off, not bothering to hear his friend's warning.


Wukong tapped the metal, humming as he slowly pulled back a fist.

Whispers suddenly filled the air.

"Greetings, Sun Wukong."

His eyes glowed as he gazed at the familiar magic, "You! How are you out of your tomb?"

"Your dear warrior was very... Messy when he clawed his way to the mortal realm. I simply followed, and gifted him a way to let me out as a test of his loyalty. He failed..."

The short figure swayed, and Wukong huffed, "Why are you so much smaller..?"

There was a pause.

"I am using a child's body, Sun Wukong." Her confusion was obvious, and the monkey shrugged, "She looks a lot like you."

The spirit scoffed, "Destiny will be fulfilled, monkey. And you will be too late." Images flashed before his eyes, visions, maybe? They flashed blue, and he grimaced as he heard MK's voice wailing with fear.

Was she was showing him something to intimidate him?

Wukong nearly began to cackle, she didn't know he was unable to actually see the predictions she was showing him.

Blue mist chilled his skin as she disappeared, and he looked around, trying to find her.

He didn't bother to pay attention as a web shot out at him.


Red Son crashed onto the roof top, huffing as he stumbled out of his destroyed vehicle.

The Monkie Kid team and a black-furred monkey stared at him in surprise.

Mei blurted, "Red Boy?! Get him!" MK and Mei piled onto him as he screamed and struggled, "Stop it! Get off!"

Pigsy snickered, "Explain yourself, then."

"My father has been captured and I have some venom and I can produce a cure!" He suddenly erupted in flames, "NOW GET OFF!"

Macaque rolled his eyes, "I say we use him to get the cure and ditch his father."

MK grimaced, "Uh, I know you really don't like DBK, but, it's his dad! A-And we're heroes!" Mei frowned, "I'm kinda with Mac on this one. The Bull Family can't be trusted!"

Red Son sputtered, "What?! No, I will assist you only if I can save my father! Got it? I will help him! You don't have to!"

Macaque sneered, "Fine. Let's go get a stupid cure."


Wukong snarled, struggling against his bonds as a new prisoner was dragged in.

"Oh, Monkey King! We brought an old friend of yours!"

Molten Iresis (FurnaceRedAU)Where stories live. Discover now