2- Adjusting to Life

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Macaque nodded, "Good. Now again."

Wukong was balancing on a beam, carefully walking across it. Macaque was helping him work on his balance since his poor vision hindered his sense of balance and perception. The ginger's tail lashed out behind him, trying to keep him steady.

Macaque hummed, his own vision blocked off by a blindfold. He had covered his eyes to understand how Wukong navigated the world, however, at least he had his six ears whereas Wukong only had two. So although Macaque could navigate better, Wukong still needed assistance.

"Good. Your footsteps aren't as oafish as before." Wukong snorted, taking the backhand compliment as he hopped onto the grass. He looked around before spotting four familiar blobs of smeared colors, "Guys! Did you see me?" Macaque carefully took off his blindfold as he walked with Wukong to the others.

"Yes, Wukong. That is amazing." Baiji rolled his eyes, "We saw you, dum-dum."

The foliage suddenly rustled, and Wukong activated his vision hastily, spotting a familiar soul kept within a large body, "...Demon Bull King?" Macaque's own ears flickered, "Yeah, that's him, alright. But why-?"

The huge demon burst through the plants of the forest, panting, "Simians, you must help me. Please." Wukong squinted his eyes at the purple smear in his vision, unsure of where to face his eyes, "Uh...Yeah?"

"It is my son. He was born with a fire so powerful he cannot control it and will destroy everything in his path! I even consulted Nezha, and he has suggested fetching you and the monk." Macaque blinked in surprise, "A son? Damn, you and Princess Iron Fan work fast." The bull cleared his throat awkwardly.

Wukong nodded, "We can help you! Just lead the way!"


Wukong hissed as the flames nicked his face, luckily his cape-like scarf protected his neck and only his face and clothes suffered most of the fire's damaging heat. His eyes protested loudly, so he squeezed them shut. Nezha squawked in disbelief, "Is he closing his eyes?!"

Wukong pouted, so my eyes aren't as common news as I thought.

Macaque was behind him, steadying his friend against the raging winds the Samadhi Fire produced. The shadow user grinned mischievously, "He can see just fine, don't worry." Wukong raised an eyebrow, confused about why no one ever told others about his circumstances. After all, it was totally obvious!

To him, anyway.

But the king didn't mind, knowing that there would always be someone who would take advantage of this weakness. So Wukong kept his mouth shut, simply raising his hands in the air. The fire swirled dangerously around the child as rings started to form. Macaque suddenly slipped as a powerful burst of heat crashed down on them, causing Wukong to slip.

The king crashed onto his knees painfully, and he grunted, continuing to form his ring.

Unlike Macaque, he didn't realize how their slip-up caused a portion of the Samadhi Fire to hit one of his friends...


Wukong sat next to Ao Lie, fiddling with the Samadhi Ring around his neck. He didn't trust his abilities to hide it, and he'd experienced the fire. How it was hot enough to hurt him... a lot. He didn't want this out and about, what if someone ended up like him? Or worse?

So he wore it around his neck as if it was a simple accessory.

He reached out, abruptly tapping his friend, "Yo, Lizard Man, what's up with you?" The dragon hummed, "What do you mean, Mangy Cat?" The dragon smiled dimly as he gave a lighthearted response to the monkey's tease.

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