3- A Child..?

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Wukong was startled as he spotted something interesting.

A mortal with his powers, walking along the street as he moved in a swaying motion. Perhaps he was dancing. The king silently followed, only bumping into a few things in his butterfly form. The mortal entered a place, and the king's mouth watered as the smell of food floated out.

A restaurant?

Wukong flew closer, managing to get inside before the door fully closed. A pink blur with white appeared, scolding the yellow-orange blur, "MK, order up! And you better pick up the pace." The disguised monkey faced the young man, excited to know his name.


Wukong had been shamelessly following the boy around for a week now.

He used a wide variety of disguises, ranging from a bird to a cat. The king hummed in thought, glancing at the familiar magic signature from near the inside of the city.

His staff...

Wukong looked over at the glowing ball of magic MK held within him, and he hummed again. He would be an amazing successor, especially since familiar magic has been resurfacing.


MK grinned, entranced by Tang's story, "He then defeated the Demon Bull King alongside his companion, reigning victorious as his staff struck a mountain, splitting it in two, and trapping the bull demon beneath."

"And then he fought bad guys every other week without his staff, using only his raw strength-!" Tang held up his hand, interrupting the boy, "I'm telling the story, MK. But yes, his staff stayed on his last battlefield. Acting as a seal to keep the Demon Bull King at bay."

The boy's eyes shined as he listened intently, "He's so cool! Like, he's strong, independent, and he keeps us safe despite how long ago his last major battle ended--"

Pigsy sighed, "MK, get back to work. Tang, stop distracting him!" The man huffed, adjusting his glasses, "I am granting him wisdom!" As the two began to argue halfheartedly, MK headed out, noodles in hand.


"Enjoy your meal!" The brunette waved goodbye, walking towards his tuk-tuk. A small ladybug flew onto his shoulder as he hummed happily, getting ready to pull out his phone to text his boss.

A sudden voice interrupted his thought, "Follow me..."

MK froze, "...Huh." The whispering persisted, "Child, go forward, it is urgent..." The brunette nodded hastily, jumping into his vehicle and driving wherever the voice instructed him, or at least he tried to. The voice seemed to not understand that MK couldn't phase through walls.

"I'm going crazy. Yup. I am definitely schizophrenic. Great."

The voice snorted, "Just keep going. Take a right." MK frowned, "Uh, I can't, though." He continued forward as the voice groaned, "Fine. Just go a bit further, then." MK sighed, "Dude, I'd say you're either pretty blind or you just really don't understand how mortals work."

A small bit of silence.

"Oh. Welp, just walk straight ahead, and keep hidden." The voice faded lightly, and MK stared at the ominous darkness of the construction site ahead of him. "Wait, why am I supposed to hide?"

"You don't want to run straight into trouble."


MK screamed, running into the noodle shop with a staff, slamming the door closed.

Mei grinned, waving at him, "Dude, that's a really cool stick!" The brunette wheezed, "I-It's Monkey King's staff-!" The weapon suddenly expanded, falling and smashing into a table.

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