“Yeah, we should. But Dani” Jordan said

I said “yeah”

“Thanks” she said

I smiled and went to change into my training kit.

After training and dinner, Beth and Viv came to our room to watch a movie. They wanted to watch Harry Potter. I’m not a big fan but I watched it anyway. Beth was elated when She saw that me and Jordan had made up. The smile has not left her face yet. I know it must of been hard for her as me and Jordan are two of her best friends.

Half way through the movie my phone rang I looked it was Leah. I said “Sorry guys. I’m going to take this”

Beth said “Tell her we said hello”

I was walking out of the room. I shouted back “I will”

I answered “Hey baby”

“Hey babe, how has your day been” Leah asked

“It’s been good. Flight went ok. I actually napped the whole way. Training was good too” I said

She said “I thought you would after me keeping you up most of the night”

“Babe, that’s what I’m staying for isn’t it”

“Yeah, I suppose. Who are you rooming with?” She asked

“Jordan” I said

She said “Oh, How’s that”

I said “Well we are friends again”

“that’s good. Who instigated that” she asked

I said “I did. I’m sorry it took me so long. I know it was awkward for you”

“You have a right to feel the way you did though. If I would have been in your position I probably would of done the same thing” Leah said

“It’s sorted now. Hopefully we can go back to what it was like” I said

“I’m sure it will. What you up to tonight” She asked

“just watching Harry Potter with Beth, Viv and Jordan. They said hello by the way” I said

“Your watching harry potter” She asked

“Well yeah. I never really got much choice it was three against one” I said

She laughed and said “bad luck really”

“What you doing” I asked

“I’m just going to soak in the bath then take some meds and go to sleep” Leah said

“Sounds like a relaxing night. I better get back to these before they come looking for me” I said

“Ok. I love you” Leah said

“I love you too beautiful. I’ll speak to you tomorrow” I said

The game was about to start. I’m playing at right back. Beth is also playing. Viv and Jordan are on the bench.

The game kicks off and we are on the front foot. Maanum has a shot in the first minute that is saved by the keeper.

They have their first attempt 5 minutes into the game it’s a header but it’s wide.

They concede a couple of fouls to us but we can’t capitalise on them.

In the 10th minute they have another attempt. Again a header but it’s wide again.

McCabe wins a free kick which Maanum takes Stina gets a head to it but it’s blocked.

Just a minute later Beth plays a ball in for foord who shoots and it’s in the back of the net. I run over to celebrate.

They have a couple of attempts that get saved by Zinsberger. They have a corner that Dani Van De Donk takes they are first to it with a header but I’m able to block the chance.

Then right away we have a chance down the other end Lia Walti plays a ball thorugh for Stina who shoots but the keeper saves.

In the 22nd minute Maanum shoots and scores it’s a good goal. I go over to congratulate her. It’s 0-2 to us.

Van de Donk fouls Beth. Free kick comes to nothing.

In the 26th minute they have another shot who again thankfully I’m able to get in the way of.

They have a corner a minute later. They are first to it again. The ball is in the back of the net. Lindsay Horan scores.

Both teams give away a couple of free kicks.

In the 35th minute Foord shoots but they block it. 2 minutes later they have to make a sub because of an injury.

In the 44th minute Renard is booked for a bad foul on Stina. She is ok though.

From the resulting free kick. Beth takes and she scores. I run and jump on her back.

That’s the last action of the first half.

The second half kicks off. Two minutes in foord commits a foul but the free kick comes to nothing.

Then I’m fouled. I’m straight back up.

Beth wins another free kick down the right wing. She swings the free kick in, Stina flicks it on. It falls to Maanum but it goes wide.

In the 67th minute Foord shoots and scores again. It’s 1-4 to us.

2 minutes later Maanum plays a ball to Beth who shoots and scores. It’s 1-5 to us.

Both sides miss a couple of chances.

In the 77th minute Jordan comes on to replace Walti.

They make a couple of subs in the 80th minute.

We also make a double sub Foord and Stina are off. Hurtig and Viv come on.

In the 92nd minute Beth commits a bad foul on Horan and she gets booked  

That’s the last action of the game.

We just beat Lyon 5-1 at home I can’t believe it. What a game.

It was also the first time they have been beaten at home since 2012.

What a way to start our champions league group stage campaign.

Dani Scott 2022/2023 season - A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now