independence? i'd like some.

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"well. do you want independence?" sin asked her daughter as they walked together through their garden.

"yes mother." y/n spoke gracefully.

"living on your own is very hard y/n but of course i know you can manage." sin chuckled a little turning and taking her daughters hands into her own. her face went serious as she looked into her daughters eyes.

"there are dangerous people out there little sin. dangerous people who will do anything in their power to see you dead." sin spoke seriously slightly squeezing the child's hands.

"yes i know mother. i am more then capable of dealing with any of those insects." y/n reassured her mother as they continued walking.

"yes of course baby. i know that. im just worried okay? those.. those humans. don't play fair.  it'll be 200 vs 1 with those nasty beings." sin muttered on and on scared for her 13 year of age daughters safety.

"mother." y/n said calmingly beginning to rub soothing circles on her back. "surely you're not worried about just 200 hundred humans?"

"plus the humans won't recognize me remember?" y/n said laughing a little.

"oh yeah.." sin said coming to a stop again "and you caught that same amount just last week."

"but that still doesn't change the fact that i'm going to miss my baby being around. you're my best friend after all." sin cried into your daughter's shoulder.

"i'll visit every once a week." y/n said looking at her mother. "how does that sound?"

"yes. we'd love that. me and your father i mean." sin said sniffing. "we'll have a house prepared for you immediately."

"oh and mother.. what do you think about enrolling me into an high school in a couple years?" y/n said nervously

"high school?" sin frowned. "but what for? you already have 120 college degrees?"

"well i've never been to a human school before.. i just wanted to try it out when i became of age.." y/n said with her head now down.

sin lifted y/n's head before saying "never lower your head to anyone. not even me do you understand?"

"yes mother." little sin said fixing her position just as she was taught as a child.

"yes. i'll see to you being enrolled in the best human high school." sin smiled to her daughter.

"thank you mother." y/n said wrapping her mother in a tight hug. "you won't regret this mother."



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"mother?" y/n looked at her mother weirdly. "this house is a bit to big. it's only going to be me living here."

"yes i know but what if you having friends over ?? they might want to spend the night??" sin said excitedly walking into the house.

"friends? you mean the demons from hell? i'm not to sure about them being in my home." y/n crossed her arm over one another walking behind her mother.

"not just them. what about the boy, whats his name again? shiggy? shigaraki. yes tomura shigaraki."

y/n grew flustered hearing the boys name again after once again years "he only shows up every now and then mother."

'plus he probably already broke the promise me made to me.'

"i'm just saying you two looked great together" sin said with her all to familiar cat like face.

"and why is there a car here ? i have no use for such?" little sin changed the subject walking from the garage looking at her mother like she just called her a rascal slur.

"oh stop being so dramatic y/n ! it looked cool. plus i thought you wanted to fit in with the humans for a while?" sin chuckled walking into the living room making sure everything is nice and comfortable.

"i never said i wanted to 'fit in' i just want to observe their behavior is all." little sin said correcting her mother. as they began walking to the rooms.

"oh this house is a bit big." sin said putting her hand to her chin coming up with an idea "oh! we'll just have to hire housekeeping!"

"that's unnecessary mother i can manage." y/n tried to keep her mother from the idea.

"too late they're already here." sin said opening the front door to multiple demons.

"mother you even got a chef!? but i know how to cook!?" at this point y/n was flabbergasted.

"just because you know how doesn't mean you should." sin told her daughter as she walked out of the home. "remember your promise! come visit every once a week!"

and with that you and the 'housekeepers' were left alone.

sighing y/n faced them "just do your jobs properly and stay out of my way okay?"

"yes ma'am of course." they said in sync before disappearing to who knows where in the house.


"shigaraki." afo said sternly looking at the boy.

"yes sir?" tomura responded no longer being the scared stuttering boy his was before.

"you've grown up. more mature." afo said proudly.

"and that's all thanks to you master." he praised afo looking directly into his eyes.

"yes but you have balls now. i'm proud." afo laughed looking at the 18 year old boy that had been through multiple test and experiments.

"i may even allow you to marry my daughter now." afo said with an playful smile.

shigaraki blushed for the first time in a long time hearing about you. "o-oh thank you sir. your daughter is the purest most evil person i've met." he complimented.

"yes of course she is. she lives on her own now if you didn't already know.. you can go and visit her. you have my permission" afo said as he began to walk away from tomura signaling that their meeting was over.

"yes. thank you sir! i'll go and see her right away!"

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