Old Endearments

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[Chapter 5 everyone! Enjoy!]

Damon's POV

I'm at the grill right now still drinking with Alex and this guy Tyler. Just a couple of minutes ago Alex stumbled to her feet I run to her on vampire speed to catch her, hopefully thinking no one noticed me. I catch her just in time before she hit the ground. She really is drunk, I saw her and Tyler drank a few shots of tequila, from my peripheral vision a while ago when I was with Alaric.

After a couple of shots, Alex finally passed out. I carried her in my arms;Tylerstood up and stopped me from walking.

"Where are you taking her?" He asked inquisitively.

"Home." I answered obviously bored. I know this guy just wants to get into her pants, or so I thought. I won't let that happen of course.

"I'll take her home." He said trying to get Alex from my arms.

"Look kid," I said looking straight into his eyes, "you'll go home and let me take care of her, now go!"

He nodded and left. I continued walking heading outside the grill to my car. I felt Alex snuggle onto my neck and what was that she inhaled my scent? Maybe I was just mistaken, we reached my car and I opened the passenger sit and put her down. I took a look around the parking lot there was only 3 cars left including mine, the other one is Alex's car. Its already 1 in the morning so I figured we'll just head home and I'll just come back for it later. I hopped on the driver's seat and started the engine.

We arrived home, Alex still in my arms. I found Stefan sitting on the couch with his hands on his head looking frustrated. He instantly look up when he noticed us entered the living room.

"What the hell happened? Damon what did you do?" He asked anxious.

"Got drunk," I replied while walking up the stairs.

"What? Why? Where? With you?" He asked rapidly, I hate it when I'm being asked to many questions especially coming from him.

"Better not ask me that." I whisper-yelled at him, so that it won't disturb the sleeping Alex.

I reached her bedroom and went inside; I put her down on her bed. I took off her shoe and pulled the covers over her body. She snuggle into her pillow and hugged it tight.

"Sleep well Princess." I said and kissed her temple, and she smiled in her sleep.

"Goodnight D." She whispered. I smiled and kissed her temple again.

As I turned around I accidentally knock off a frame from her bedside table and it fall to the floor. I picked it up, luckily it didn't shattered. I noticed that it was a picture of me her and Stefan back in 1864, we still human back then. It was our first and last time to attend the Founder's Party as a human. I escorted her because Katherine chose Stefan over me to escort her to the party, which broke my heart.


Founder's Party 1864

I was standing outside the Lockwood's mansion waiting for Alexandrea to arrive. Today's the founder's party and I'm wearing a black ditto suit over a waistcoat trousers and a bow tie. She finally arrived; I watched her get down from her carriage, wow she looked amazing, her blue southern belle dress matches her perfectly. I walked towards her and greet her with a smile.

"Well hello my dear Princess." I said kissing the top of her hand.

"Hello Damon. I thought I'm not your princess anymore since Katherine came?" she said playfully.

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